invisible string

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"Who'd you hook up with Christmas break our seventh year?" Remus asked with his wand up.

"Merlin Addy asked me that same question, what is with you guys.... Sirius." Mary replied standing in the doorway of the Burrow.

"And you all say I'm for the streets." Remus said putting his wand away.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm referring to Sirius! Not you."

"Mhm. I still think you're a whore."

"Join the club." Adeline said entering the hallway and pulling Mary in for a hug, "Thank you for coming love."

"Of course babes, it's the day after Christmas after all. National holiday."

"All thanks to me." Adeline bragged.

"And me!" Remus argued. "I'm the one who suggested it!"

"And you're the one who fucked it up."

"She says she forgives me then gives me this crap." Remus complained to Mary.

"If you're looking for sympathy boy, I'm not the right person." Mary replied.

"The whole world hates me." Remus whined.

"Yeah it does." Adeline agreed.

"Shut up." Remus gave her a small shove.

"Shut up." Adeline replied mockingly.

"Mary! Hi!" Tonks said entering the room.

"Oh- hi!" Mary said awkwardly, "Nymphadora right?"

"I go by Tonks."


"We met at a funeral over the Summer." Tonks explained.

Adeline jaw dropped and Remus quickly lifted it back into place.

"Yes! You were so sweet." Mary replied kindly.

"No you were!"

"I tried." Mary laughed, "It was hard not to beat everyone in that place up."

"Mary-." Adeline said with warning.

"Right sorry. No Order hate. My apologies."

"You really hate the Order that much?" Tonks inquired.

Mary glanced at Adeline who was shaking her head, but elected to ignore her, "Yeah I do."

"Which is okay." Remus tried to add as Tonks' face hardened.

"Shut up Remus." Mary said with a roll of her eyes.

"Yes ma'am." Remus said stepping back as Adeline gave him a pat on his shoulder.

"Why don't we go eat! I sat dinner up outside." Adeline said trying to break up a potentially awkward conversation. Who am I kidding? It's already awkward.

"That's a great idea!" Remus agreed. I knew she shouldn't have invited Mary.

"Whatever you want Addy. It's your holiday." Mary said with a fake smile.

"Our holiday!" Remus interjected.

"Our holiday." Adeline mocked in an annoying voice as she pushed Remus to lead them outside.

"Is Harry going to come down and join us at all?" Remus asked.

"Not sure. Him and Ron are doing whatever he and Ron do."

"Oh okay."


"Harry's mad at me."

"Once again I ask why?"

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now