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"One word of this and I'll tell everyone your little secret!" Snape yelled but Remus didn't care. He was too busy catching Adeline as she collapsed in a pool of blood.

"ADELINE!! ADELINE WAKE THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW" Remus yelled, "SEVERUS WHAT DID-" but Snape was already gone.

Remus looked at the blood drenching Adeline's white dress. He swiftly picked her up and carried her to the infirmary. "POPPY" he yelled as he burst through the door.

"Merlin, what happened to her." Pomfrey asked while rushing to help Remus set Adeline down.

"I don't know, it-it was a spell I've never heard of"

"Hand me the scissors I have to remove her dress."

Madam Pomfrey cut off Adeline's dress then got to work closing her wounds while Remus helped hand her ointments and potions.

"There we go, the wounds are closed but she lost a lot of blood. I'll have to get her a blood replenishing potion, it is very unpleasant but necessary. I'll be right back."

"Okay," Remus turned to Adeline and grabbed her. "Bloody Hell Adeline what did he do to you?" Remus looked at the scars covered Adeline's torso. "He'll pay for this."

"Here we go" Pomfrey said as she returned with the potion. She forced it down Adeline's throat causing Adeline to thrash around. "Horrible potion this thing is. But it looks like Adeline will be okay."

"Thank Merlin."

"Mr. Lupin, do you remember the spell that caused this? And who was the caster?"

"It was like septembercra or something."

"And the spell caster?"

Remus thought about Snape's threat. He was going to let it up to Adeline to decide whether or not to expose him. "It was from behind. A coward's move."

"I see. Well I'll have the Defense teacher research to see if they can find the spell's origin and how the aggressor could have found it."

"It's an original."

"And how do you know that Mr. Lupin?"

"Just a feeling" Remus murmured as he remembered the day Snape and James got into a fight. Snape casted a spell that sounded similar. But it only left a small cut on James' cheek. Not this much damage- he must've improved upon it.

"Will you stay and keep an eye on Miss Wilson while I go and talk to Dumbledore?"

"Of course"

"Thank you." Madam Pomfrey hurried out to tell Dumbledore so she could get back to tending to Adeline as soon as she possible.

Remus sat with Adeline and waited for her to wake up. She looked peaceful while sleeping. And pretty. But the blood soaked sheets around her made it a morbid scene, not a serene one.

Remus began to doze off when- "Lupin?" Adeline asked in a soft voice.

"You're awake, thank Merlin"

"Shit, is this all my blood?"

"Yeah if you think that's bad you should see the hallway."

"Did you cut my dress off?" Adeline asked when she realized she was only in her bra and underwear.

"No. That was Poppy. I did hand her the scissors though."

"You were probably all to happy to do that" Adeline mumbled as she began to drift back to sleep.

Remus lightly shook her shoulder, "Hey you have to stay awake right now Wilson. You'll have plenty of time to rest later." Remus looked down at her scars and saw some blood leaking out of one of them. "You must've reopened a scar. I'll grab the ointment."

"Okay" Adeline whispered still woozy from the blood loss.

Remus grabbed the ointment but when he came back all the scars were open and Adeline was fast asleep. "SHIT ADELINE," Remus rushed to her and tried to wake her up. "Stay awake Addy, okay I need you to stay awake. POPPY" Remus yelled but he knew it would be awhile until she came back and he couldn't leave Adeline to go get her.

Remus reapplied the ointment that Pomfrey used but the scars were reopening as quick as he was closing them. "FUCK ADELINE WAKE UP I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO"

Adeline's eyes slowly blinked open and she saw her torso red with fresh blood. "Dark magic" she started softly. "can't be healed"

"Adeline. I am going to heal you." Remus declared.

"You can't heal me. You'll have to close the scars another way."

Remus thought for a moment. "Fire."

"Bingo. Light me up Lupin"

"You definitely lost a shit ton of blood Wilson. I can't just burn them shut."

"Cauterize is the correct term" She mumbled before passing out again.

Remus lightly hit her face, "Stay awake, Adeline, we have to think of another way."

"There is no other way. Dark magic is permanent. Any potion is going to open right back up. Sometimes it takes a muggle solution to solve a wizard problem."

"Okay. Okay. Fine, I'll fucking burn you."


"Cauterize. But you have to promise me you'll stay awake. You can't pass out no matter how much it hurts."

By now Adeline laid in a pool of blood as large as the one in the hallway. "Yes mom" she mumbled. Remus stuck a towel in her mouth to muffle any screams she lets out.

"Do you trust me?" Remus asked. Adeline nodded. "Incendio."

Remus used his wand to cauterize Adeline's wounds as she screamed loudly through the towel. He worked carefully but quickly. Not wanting to mess up but not wanting to see Adeline in pain for any longer. When he finally finished Adeline was on the verge of passing out again.

He removed the towel from her mouth "You did so good Adeline, you just need to drink some more of this potion then you can go back to sleep." Remus grabbed the blood replenishing potion and put it to Adeline's mouth.

"I bloody hate you Lupin." Adeline swallowed the liquid and groaned and cursed once more.

"That's it. Good girl. You're all done now. You did it."

Adeline took one last look at Remus as she began to drift off to sleep. "Thank you," she murmured before she let her exhaustion win.

By the time Pomfrey came back Remus was asleep on the chair next to Adeline.

"Mr. Lupin! What happened?" Pomfrey said in shock of the new blood and messy scars all over Adeline.

"Shhh, she needs to sleep." Remus said as he awoke and got up to take Pomfrey out of the curtains. "Her wounds opened back up and wouldn't close again. So she made me cauterize them."

"You burned her scars shut?"


"That was highly reckless Mr. Lupin, you should not have made that decision without me."

"If I would've left to go get you she would've been dead by the time we were back. I did the right thing."

"Well I will be the judge of that after I look over her once more. Go back to your room and go to sleep Lupin you can visit in the morning."Pomfrey enters the curtains to do a full evaluation of Adeline's current condition. After determining that she was stable and the wounds were not going to reopen, Pomfrey left Adeline to sleep. She felt bad for yelling at Remus but his rushed decision could've ended badly and Poppy refused to watch another child die.

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now