nothing new

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TW: mention of rape (not graphic just mention)

Lucky for Adeline, Wizard rehab was a lot simpler than muggle rehab. They fitted her with a prosthetic, charmed it to respond to her brain, made sure she could walk, and sent her on her way.

After a mere two weeks in total of being at St. Mungo's, she was back home.

"We planned a big welcome home dinner for you." Effie said helping Adeline into the Manor. "The girls are invited, they're so excited to see you."

"I'm excited to see them too." Adeline hadn't given them permission to visit her. She didn't want anyone else doting on her and looking at her with sad eyes. She wanted them to see her recovered not struggling. "I'm going to go up to my room and rest a little, but I'll be down for dinner."

"That's quite alright dear, James will you help Adeline up to her room?"

"He doesn't need to Effie, I can go up stairs." Adeline insisted.

"You sure?" James asked.

"Quite. Dorcas, Marlene, and I's apartment is on the fourth floor with no elevator; I'm going to have to get used to stairs."

"You still plan on moving in with them?" Sirius questioned. Adeline was supposed to have already moved in.

"Of course. After I get my footing, no pun intended, I want to continue my life how it was." Adeline moved towards the stairs then turned back to Effie, "Dinner at 6?"

"Yes, but people will probably be arriving at 5:30." Effie responded a bit concerned at the idea of Adeline moving out.

"Okay I'll be down then."

Adeline disappeared up the stairs escaping Effie, Monty, Sirius, and James's worried faces. She hadn't been left alone since the incident, one of them or Remus were always with her.

Adeline walked into her familiar bedroom and sat on her bed. Dorcas had been allowed to go into her dormitory to pack up her things, but Effie decided not to unpack as to let Adeline do things the way she likes.

With a swish of her wand Adeline started putting things in their places. Once it was all finished she laid down on her bed.

Her room was the same.

But she was different.

She's been cornered by Death Eaters at school and she's read the papers of the horrible things they've done to other people. But for the first time it really feels real. It wasn't her classmates she's known her full life trying to be tough. And it wasn't complete strangers. It was her. And it could happen to any of them. Her, Lily, and Mary are muggleborns. Dorcas, Remus, and Peter are half bloods. Sirius, James, and Marlene are blood traitors. They all have a target on their backs. And they no longer have the safety of Hogwarts to hide behind.

Adeline looked down at her prosthetic then sat up and removed it, sitting it on the bed next to her. She touched the stub where her leg once was.

Wizard prosthetics were incredible. Some still preferred outdated things like peg legs (mostly for the aesthetic Adeline assumed) but with magic they were capable of creating a leg that felt no different than her own.

Except it still wasn't her own.

Adeline had lost her leg.

And she was hit by Sectumsempra again.

And she was nearly killed and raped.

But now finally, after two weeks of staying strong for everyone else, Adeline let herself cry. Cries of mourning for her own innocence and cries of anger for her situation.

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