christmases when you were mine

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At 5:00 a.m. James began waking up the household.

He had snuck down to the kitchen to grab a pot and a spoon, oblivious to the sleeping Adeline in the yard, then started with his parents.

"HAPPY CHRISTMAS" James shouted from the foot of their bed while banging the spoon on the pot.

Effie and Monty were used to James' Christmas spirit. They weren't even mad at the commotion in their room. If in anything they were grateful it wasn't 4:00 am this year

"Merry Christmas darling." Effie said with a sigh.

"Merry Christmas." Monty said after her.

James beamed then sprinted upstairs to wake his friends. He went to his room where Remus and Sirius slept. He felt a little bad waking Remus, but Christmas was Christmas.

"HAPPY CHRISTMAS BITCHES" James yelled while banging his pot and spoon.

The boys groaned under their covers. Unlike Effie and Monty, Sirius would never be used to his antics. And Remus had never been there in the morning before.

"I'm gonna keep banging until you respond." James continued while hitting the pot.

"That's what she said." Sirius mumbled.

"I'll let that slide because it was funny. Now I said Happy Christmas." James still hit the pot

"Happy Christmas" "Happy Christmas" The two boys echoed.

Satisfied, James left them to finish waking up as he ascended the stairs to Adeline's room. He opened it wide and started banging his pot but quickly realized that Adeline wasn't there. He checked the bathroom, but still no Adeline.

James sprinted back down to his bedroom where Sirius and Remus slowly woke up.

"Adeline isn't in her room." James said urgently.

"And?" Sirius began, "She's probably in the kitchen or living room already."

"I didn't see her when I was getting my pot."

"Go look again." Remus mumbled.

James ran downstairs and searched the main rooms. Nothing. He yelled up the steps for the boys to help him look. They slowly came down to help James search the house. And it was quite the big house.

Remus went to check the kitchen again and spotted a person-like object out the window. He headed outside and low and behold, Adeline was lying on the grass with only a blanket covering her.

"Adeline what are you doing?" Remus inquired.

Adeline groaned and then turned towards him without opening her eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's 5:00"

"Then why am I awake right now?"


Adeline opened her eyes slightly, "But it's still dark out."

Remus knelt down on the grass next to her. "Why did you sleep out here?"

"I didn't mean to. Just fell asleep."

Remus sniffed the air, "Were you drinking?"

"Not actively, I just had one drink. How the fuck can you smell that?" Adeline started to sit up. She was still tired, but more awake now.

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