jump then fall

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"She's joining." Mary had just opened a letter from Emmeline.

"The Order?" Lily asked.

Mary eyes began tearing up. She only nodded in response.

"You should be really proud of her, Mary, that's crazy brave." Marlene said putting her hand over Mary's.

"It's crazy stupid." Mary responded in disbelief while moving her hand out from under Marlene's, "She's going to get herself killed."

"Emmeline is smart. She won't do anything reckless." Dorcas reassured her.

Mary looked up at the three girls, "You're all going to join too aren't you."

"I plan to, yes." Lily said definitively, "Mary we're muggleborns. This war is for people like us."

"People like us are the targets! They are far more likely to kill us on sight than a pureblood." Mary responded passionately.

"So you plan on just being a sitting duck? Don't you want to fight back?" Lily retorted.

"I don't want to die Lily. And I don't want you to die. Or Dorcas, or Marlene, or Adeline. None of you." Mary said pointing at each girl. Adeline sat watching. She hasn't made her decision yet. She still had time. But she felt like she was going to be forced to make it on the spot.

"I'd rather die for the cause than let others die for me." Lily declared.

"Then you're a fool." Mary responded. "Do the rest of you feel the same way?" Dorcas and Marlene nodded, "Adeline?"

"I haven't decided. We have until school is over. " Adeline said softly not wanting to be brought into the fight amongst the girls.

"But you might?"

"I don't know. I would never be on the front lines. I'd be more of a bother than a help there. But making potions and healing people, I mean, I-I don't know."

"I can't believe you guys. You're all gonna fucking get yourselves killed."

"In the name of something important yes. Yes we are going to risk our lives. Because it's what's right." Lily said shaking her head, "And I would love to have you fighting next to me Mary I would but if not then that's on you not me. I'll fight for the two of us."

Mary got up and stormed out of the Great Hall. The mere idea of losing her friends destroyed her, imagine if she actually loses them?


"Lily and Mary got in a big fight at breakfast." Adeline told Remus as the two sat in the library working on their Transfiguration homework.

"Yeah Lily told me." Remus responded, "They both care too much about each other."

"What do you mean?"

"Lily would rather die than let her friends get hurt. Mary would rather hide than let her friends get hurt."

"Accurate. You still set on joining?"

"Even more set now." Remus pulled out a newspaper. "Another muggle family dead."

"Fuck." Adeline took the paper. Every time she hopes and prays it isn't her parents. Whether they cared for her or not, she didn't want them dead.

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