the man

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Adeline returned back to 12 Grimmauld Place to see Harry and Sirius looking through old photos on the couch.

Adeline took a seat a next to Harry, "Whatcha looking at?"

"Old photos, old memories." Sirius answered not taking his eyes off the photo. It was of their big group during one of the parties Effie threw.

"Which memories are we reliving?"

"I was telling Harry about your Potions talent. From what Harry told me you must've been humbling yourself."

"I feel no need to brag to a child about what I can do."

"She's never been able to accept compliments." Sirius told Harry with a roll of his eyes.

"When have you ever complimented me?" Adeline inquired with her eyebrows raised.

"I'm sure I have before." Sirius blew it off.

"Uhuh. Yeah right."

"Okay fine. Your hair looks nice short. There." Sirius stuck his tongue out mockingly.

"Wow thanks so much." Adeline replied sarcastically, "I had to cut it all off to get rid of the matting from thirteen years in prison."

"The matting did you well. Short hair fits your bone structure."

"The bone structure is from being malnourished during the thirteen years in prison."

"Hmm that sucks for you, my perfect bone structure is genetic."

"Yeah it's a product of all the incest."

"You bitch." Sirius reached over Harry to try and hit Adeline but she quickly moved out of the way while laughing.

"Harry protect me!" She yelled while keeping him in front of her as a shield.

"If you think I wouldn't hex my godson to get to you you're mistaken!" Sirius said as he grabbed a pillow and tried to swing it around Harry.

"This is why they thought you were a murder!" Adeline screeched as she cemented Harry in between them.

"Can you guys leave me out of this?" Harry said while laughing.

"No! You might not be my flesh and blood but you have a duty to protect me!" Adeline yelled as Sirius got a hit in.

"No Harry! You need to help me beat up your godmother for making fun of my lineage."

"Your family sucks Sirius why are you defending their incesty choices!"

"Because I'm still blood related to the perves!" Sirius finally got out his wand and began to levitate the pillow into hitting her.

Adeline screamed and moved from the couch as the pillow followed her. She jumped on Sirius and tried to wrestle the wand out of his hand as Harry just laughed next to them.

"What are you guys doing?" Remus asked entering the room.

"MOONY GET THIS SHE-DEVIL OFF OF ME!" Sirius screeched as Adeline finally threw his wand across the room and began hitting him in the head with the same pillow that taunted her.

"Aww poor Padfoot can't fight his own battles. He needs to get the big bad wolf to come save him." Adeline said as she continued beating him up.

"Aye not the big bad wolf that's just cold." Remus said as he took a seat on the armchair nearby.

"Hey Sirius." Adeline took a break from hitting him, "Do you remember when I punched you?"

Harry looked between them mortified but Sirius simply answered, "Yeah that hurt like a bitch."

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now