how you get the girl

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Christmas break marked the half way point in the school year. So when the seventh-year students returned to Hogwarts they were consumed by revisions for their NEWTS. They spent the next few months doing nothing but studying.

"Did you revise ascendio yet?" Adeline and Remus sat in the library.

"Yeah did you revise veritaserum?" Remus asked while sliding Adeline his ascendio work.

"I thought we were doing charms not potions." Adeline looked in her bag for her potions folder.

"I can't do the same subject for too long I get burnt out."

Adeline handed him her veritaserum papers, "It's been like an hour you can't possibly be burnt out yet."

"Mmmmm it might also have something to do with you having the best Potions revisions."

"At least you're finally admitting that I'm better at Potions than you." Adeline said with a wink.

"Lies. You just have better handwriting and notes than me."

Adeline examined the ascendio papers Remus gave her, "Fuck your handwriting is rough."

"Sucks to suck."


After a long time studying with Remus, Adeline was heading back to her room when she was stopped by Slughorn.

"Miss Wilson! I was going to talk to you tomorrow but since you're here do you have a second?" Slughorn asked.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" Adeline responded.

"I have a student I need you to tutor."

"I thought I wasn't allowed to tutor anymore?" Adeline had been banned from tutoring after she hexed a student for trying to hit on her. She felt no guilt but apparently she 'shouldn't have resorted to violence over a kid three years younger than her.' But he shouldn't have been hitting on someone three years older??

"Yes but you're my only hope with this kid."

"Who is it?"

"Regulus Black."

Adeline was confused, "I thought Black was great at Potions. He's in Slug Club and you always say how much of a 'power duo' we'd be in Potions."

"That's the issue: he is great at Potions. I'm not sure the kids deal. But I'm hoping your personality might break him."

"My personality might break him??"

"Not in a bad way!" Slughorn quickly said, "But you won't let him bullshit you and he needs that right now."

"Okay. You set up a time."

"Tomorrow at 6."

"That's during the Hufflepuff versus Slytherin game? He's their seeker?"

"Not anymore. He's failing Potions so I benched him. I control the Quidditch team remember."

"Damn you're brutal."

"You never seemed to care much about Quidditch so I didn't think you'd mind." Slughorn smiled brightly.

"Alright. Then tomorrow it is."

"Wonderful, you two can use my classroom and any ingredients you need."

"Kk. See you later then."

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now