the very first night

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Adeline needed a way into the restricted section. She went to ask Slughorn to write her a pass.

"No absolutely not."

"Please Slughorn, it's just for research purposes. I'm not practicing dark magic."

"No. I decided a long time ago never to give out passes."

"But you know me, you know I am not planning anything nefarious. I just want more in depth research."

"On what topic?"

Adeline hesitated, "On magical beasts." She decided on.

"Did Hagrid put you up to this? He knows he don't allowed in the Restricted Section."

"No, no he didn't. This is all me."

"It's still too dangerous for students to be looking in that section. Too much dark magic."

"I can barely do Defense Against the Dark Arts, do you really think I'm capable of the actual Dark Arts."

"I can't be responsible for a student turning dark Adeline. I can't."

"You won't. I'm just researching."

Slughorn thought it over,"Just this once Adeline." he wrote a note and handed it to her, "Don't tell anyone about this. And I swear I will never write you a note again."

"Yes sir, thank you so much." Adeline sprinted out of the room to the library. Slowing down only when Filch yelled at her for running.

She presented her slip to Madam Prince who scowled but let her back. She kept the note so Adeline couldn't reuse it.

When Adeline entered the section she immediately got to work flipping through indexes, trying to find the topic she was looking for. After what felt like an hour, she found it.

Anti- Transformation Potion for those with Lycanthropy

This potion only exists in theory and has been banned from any further experimenting under the Werewolf Prevention Act of 1954. The Act banned the invention of the potion due to its encouragement of the the existence of half-breeds. With the potion banned, the Ministry hopes werewolves will not spread their disease. Anyone caught experimenting on the potion will be subjected to a minimum 20 years in Azkaban.

"That's a whole load of baloney." Adeline mumbled, "If the potion stops werewolves from transforming then they can't bite anyone. Prejudiced motherfuckers."

Adeline quickly copied down the proposed recipe   for the anti-transformation potion and left the Restricted Section.

"Find everything you're looking for?" Madam Prince asked when Adeline came out.

"Yes ma'am, thank you so much."

Adeline left in a hurry to go back to her dorm. Luckily her roommates were gone. Adeline began studying the theoretical recipe from the book. Some of its components made sense, like wolf's bane, but others seemed strange, like requiring a silver cauldron that would surely have damaging effects on the werewolf. Adeline spent the next few weeks working on her own idea for the potion, making sure to hide her work- she really did not want to be put in Azkaban.

After her analysis and theoretical recipes, she realized that anti-turning wasn't plausible- at least not with the knowledge she currently had. Instead she decided to focus on a way for Remus to retain his mind when transformed, that way he wouldn't worry about killing anyone.

The most interesting part of the theoretical potion proposed in the book is that it aimed to be general. Adeline didn't understand why it wouldn't include any DNA from the specific werewolf, like the Polyjuice potion requires hair. From her notes it seemed obvious that it would have to be custom. Adeline predicted that Remus' human form DNA would be the key to helping him keep his mind. Now she just had to get some.

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now