mr perfectly fine

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Remus had a shitty night. When the Moon went down he dragged himself to the infirmary where Madame Pomfrey awaited with healing potions and ointments. In other words, Remus Lupin hated full moons. Even more than he hated a particular Hufflepuff. Luckily, the next day was a weekend so he wouldn't have to miss classes. Sirius, James, and Peter checked in on him the next morning and helped sneak him back into their room without Poppy noticing ( or so they thought, that woman knows all ).

Meanwhile, Adeline had the pleasure of trying to cure Marlene and Dorcas' hangovers.

"Why can't you just bring us ibupraferim or whatever like muggles do?" Marlene says with a groan while trying to prepare for drinking the mysterious liquid Adeline brought to breakfast.

"Because if I perfect a cure for hangovers then I can sell it and become rich." Adeline responded in anticipation to see how her creation works.

"Stop screaming." Dorcas moaned with her head down on the table. Adeline was talking at a perfectly normal volume.

"Just try it and tell me how you feel."

"Here goes nothing" Marlene sighed then downed the potion in one gulp like a shot. She started coughing at the horrible taste. "Damn Wilson that's bloody disgusting."

"It's a prototype, I need to make sure it works before I start working on taste."

"Well my headache is gone, but now I want to throw up from how terrible that was."

"But you're saying it worked?"

"I guess I feel a little better"

"That's all that matters. Dorcas drink up. I need another guinea pig."

"Ugh." Dorcas lifted her head from the table and grabbed the potion. "Mars didn't exactly give this great reviews" But she downed the potion anyways and started coughing just as Marlene did. "Damn that's nasty."

"I get it, it tastes gross, let's move on from that."

"Headaches gone, and I can look at light again." Dorcas replied.

"Fuck yeah," Adeline shouted, earning her a warning glance from McGonagall. She quieted back down. "I promise to have it tasting better by the next time you get drunk."

"You'll have it done by tonight?!" Marlene asked.

"I promise to have it tasting better in like two weeks." Adeline corrected. She then stopped to listen for a second. "It's quiet this morning."

"The boys aren't here" Dorcas replied.

"Are they hungover or plotting something?" Adeline asked looking over both shoulders.

"James, Sirius, and Peter are probably hungover, and Remus is probably still sick." Marlene predicted.

"Lupin really did look terrible yesterday- more so than usual. He better not have gotten me sick." Adeline said. She then started to stand up from the breakfast table. "I promised Winky I'd show her how to make American Pancakes, so I must get going."

"Why do you know how to make American pancakes?" Dorcas asked.

"Why don't you?" Adeline replied before walking away.


Adeline entered the kitchens and was shocked to see James Potter collecting a bag of food from a house elf that she didn't know the name of. I'll have to introduce myself then. Adeline thought. He must be new.

"Potter, what are you doing here." Adeline asked, scaring James who didn't hear her come in.

"Merlin, Wilson, you can't sneak up on people like that. I could've cursed you. And we both know you wouldn't be able to defend yourself quick enough."

They will never let her dueling skills go.

"Adeline!" Winky yelled as she entered the room.

"Hello Winky, are you ready to make pancakes."

"Yes. Winky very excited, Winky loves cooking with Adeline." Winky then goes to start getting out pots and pans.

"How'd you do that?" James asked.

"Do what?"

"Get her to not call you Master Adeline."

"I've been hanging out with Winky for years. It took a while but eventually she switched to Miss Adeline and a few months later I finally got her to drop the Miss and just use my name. Funny what a little patience and respect can accomplish."

"Huh." James responded. He then turned to the other house elf and thanked him for the food before turning and leaving the kitchen.

"Time to get our cooking Winky" Adeline announced as the door closed behind James.

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now