new year's day

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"Boy if you don't sit still I will slit your fucking throat." Adeline sat behind Sirius while French braiding his hair.

"Stop fucking pulling it and I'll sit still." Sirius whined back.

"Will you children stop fighting?" James sighed acting like a forty year old mom.

"I can't braid his hair if he's constantly moving." Adeline argued.

"You're yanking my hair! And not in a fun way!" Sirius complained.

Adeline let out a laugh at his dirty joke, "Okay the first one is done. I just need to finish the second."

"I need a scalp break." Sirius said rubbing his head.

"Don't touch it! Your greasy fingers will have you looking like Snivellous."

"You know Zippy, I love how you don't use any of the nicknames we've expertly came up with besides for Snivellous."

"I don't use your nicknames because that feels like over stepping. Like y'all are your own little group. I'm not apart of it despite living here. However, Snivellous is perfect because like I told Lily, Snape is Snivvy." Adeline pulled on the other half of Sirius' hair causing him to yelp, "Now let me finish your hair."

"You bitch."

Why was Adeline doing Sirius' hair? For the Potter's New Year Eve party of course. According to Effie, they used to host it all the time, but stopped a few years ago. But now with the war, Effie loved to throw a party to bring everyone's moods up. Except for Adeline. She couldn't care less about a party, besides for dressing up because that part was fun.

The girls, Remus, and Peter left a a few days ago and it was just Sirius, James, and Adeline left. However, the rest of the crew were to be attending the party.

Adeline always got ready for Hogwarts parties (the whopping two she went to) with the girls. And for the summer party she got ready alone. But this time she was getting ready with James and Sirius. Leading to her offering to braid Sirius' hair and regretting it instantly.

"There. Done. Now fuck off." Adeline said pushing the back of Sirius' head out of her way.

Sirius jumped up to go look in the mirror.

"Prongs do I look cool?" Sirius asked.

"So cool." James responded.

"Fuck yeah. Wilson will you do my eyeliner too?" Sirius asked.

"If I do your eyeliner you seriously cannot move. Like still as still can be." Adeline demanded.

"I will be a statue."

"Then fine. I'm assuming just like smokey eyeliner? Not a wing or anything"

"Yeah like a rockstar."

"Got it." Adeline pulled out her eyeshadow instead of liquid so she could make it more smokey and blended.

She sat him down and carefully worked on applied the makeup. Like he promised, Sirius was still. Even when Adeline aggressively moved his head to piss him off.

"Perfect." Adeline said taking a step back to examine her work. "Now am I allowed to get started on my own hair and makeup?"

Sirius got up to look in the mirror once more. "It looks fucking great."

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now