this love

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"LILY EVANS GET BACK HERE." James screamed chasing after Lily. The group was on the train heading to Hogwarts. And it was time for Lily and James to lead the prefects meeting. Apparently the only way Lily could get James to go was to steal his glasses.

"I guess I should go too." Remus sighed standing up.

"Prefect Remus reporting for duty." Sirius said with a salute causing Adeline to snort.

"Don't you two be making jokes, it isn't my fault you aren't worthy of the prefect title." Remus bragged.

"Hey, I'm not a prefect because I'm antisocial." Adeline put her hands up in defense.

"And I'm not a nerd." Sirius added with a smirk.

"Wait I like yours better, can that be my reason too?"

"No Wilson because you are nerd."

"Fuck off."

"He's right, what other kid has a special interest in potion making? That's nerd shit." Remus agreed.

"Says Mr. Classic Literature." Adeline quipped.

"I'm alright with being a 'nerd' if it means I get to use the prefects bathroom." Remus said with a wink and then left the compartment.

Dorcas moved over to sit next to Adeline, "Addy I don't think you'll ever comprehend how happy it makes me that you're friends with everyone now."

"Who said I'm friends with everyone? I just tolerate Black, for example." Adeline joked.

"Feelings mutual." Sirius added.

"Shut up, you consider everyone your friend and you know it. And now that you do, we can all spend our seventh year together. No more splitting my time between you and everyone else."

"Which I never asked you to do."

"But which I did anyway because I'm an amazing friend."

"That is true."

"But it's all in the past. Miss Adeline Wilson is part of the friend group."

"I suppose I am. You have Effie to thank for that."

"Eh, you were starting to warm up to everyone before that. Halloween really changed things."

Adeline thought back to Halloween. That was the day she found out that Remus was a werewolf. It really did bring her closer to them. "Brought me closer to everyone except my roommates. They started liking me less after that."

"Ugh, I wish you were a Gryffindor. Life would be easier."

"Alas I am not a courageous person."

"You definitely do enjoy your comfort zone."

"That I do."

A group of Slytherins passed by their compartment. Adeline noticed Regulus Black make eye contact with Sirius then quickly look away. Sirius only sighed.

"You good man?" Mary asked him.

"No." Sirius took a breath, "I think my brother may have became a death eater."

The compartment went quiet.

"And it's all my fault. I left him. I could've stopped it if I was still there."

Peter put his hand in Sirius' shoulder, "You can't blame yourself Padfoot. Regulus could have came with you. He made his choice."

Sirius shook his head, "I knew he would never leave. The only way I could've stopped it was by staying. And I didn't stay. I can't imagine how bad things have gotten since I left."

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now