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The next morning, Adeline took the three months worth of Zippy's and sat it outside of Remus' room.

She then proceeded to avoid the couple for the rest of the week. You'd expect it to be hard to avoid people when you're all living under the same roof. However, Adeline was a people-watcher her whole life and had become accustomed to everyone's routines and knew how to get around them.

She didn't shut out the world this time though, she still kept her typical relationships with Harry, Ron, Hermione and even began to get closer with Ginny. She also continued to read at night to Kreacher. She had left Wuthering Heights outside of Remus' room when she finished it, and he got the hint and left a new book in its spot.

She was grateful to be given her space, but also insulted. Why hadn't they reached out to apologize? Surely they didn't think she was in the wrong for losing her temper?

Because Adeline refused to give in this time. She always forgave, she always did everything to keep the peace, to not disturb anyone. But she was done. Mary was right, and maybe that's why Sirius didn't want them to be friends. Because Mary wanted more for Adeline than to just be a pushover. And Sirius and Remus were the type of people to walk over her.

Knock Knock

"Come in." Adeline called out, having expected Harry to enter.

"Hey." Remus stood awkwardly in the doorway.

"What do you want?" Adeline asked annoyed.

"Okay. I'm just going to come out with it. I get that you're never going to forgive me, but Sirius has been in shambles all week without you. His drinking is getting even worse and the guilt is eating away at him."

"Okay? What am I to do about that?"

"Forgive him?" Remus suggested apprehensively.

"Without an apology? Or do you both not think I deserve one?"

"No you deserve one. He's stubborn you know he is."

"And why can't I be? Why do I have to make the effort?"

"I don't know Addy-,"

"Adeline." She corrected immediately.

"Adeline. I just hate seeing him like this. And I know you would hate it too if you would just look at him."

"Lupin, you're not his mum you don't have to come ask me to make up with him. That's his own business and he can be a big boy and come on over here."

"I know he can, I'm just worried he's going to do something stupid."

"If he did it wouldn't be my fault."

"Of course it wouldn't. I didn't mean to suggest that. I'm sorry."

"Was that hard?"

"Was what hard?"

"Saying sorry right there. Was it hard?"

Remus went quiet after a moment he spoke up, "I haven't seen the point in me trying to apologize when I know you can't forgive me. So this is about Sirius not me."

"Just because I wouldn't forgive you doesn't mean it wouldn't bring me some peace of mind to know you at least feel a little bit bad."

"Of course I feel bad Adeline."

"You don't fucking act like it! Neither does Sirius! Merlin you both just moved on with your lives and left me in the dust. You have each other and I'm all alone. Just as I was all alone in that bloody jail cell when neither of you were making any effort to get me out. So if you all don't care about me anymore then that's fine. I'll survive. But stop with this half and half shit I can't take it."

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now