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At first Adeline and Sirius would yell to each other. They'd play guessing games, recite memories, and let out their frustrations. But after a few years they stopped.

Sirius spent most of his time in Animagus form.

Adeline spent most of her time with her face in her notebook. First she wrote down every single memory she had. Then she rewrote it. Then she started drawing out her memories. She was never the best artist, but she had all the time in the world to improve. She would hear Ministry Officials gloat to Sirius, but they left her alone. She didn't give them the reactions that they wanted.

She stopped speaking. She'd hear others in the jail singing, trying to preserve their own sanity. But she had her writing. And she had her innocence.

Those two things kept her going.

Mary hadn't been back since that first day. She wasn't sure if it was because Mary didn't want to, or wasn't allowed. She was sure that Mary was only allowed the first time in a ceremonious way, to celebrate the defeat of Voldemort and the sentencing of two of his "supporters".

So Adeline stayed sitting in her cell. She forced herself to eat. To keep going. One day her innocence would be proven. And she would return to Harry.

She thought that day had come. Some 10 years or so later, Albus Dumbledore stood on the other side of her bars.

"Miss Wilson." Albus greeted. Adeline took note of his angry tone and demeanor and was filled with disappointment.

"Albus." Her voice came out hoarse. She hadn't spoken in at least four years.

"Where is the Stone Adeline?"

Adeline cleared her throat and prepared to lie for her life,"The Vault last I checked. Did you lose it Albus? There's a reason you weren't trusted."

"Adeline. Where is the real Stone? That one was a fake."

"A fake? Do you think someone replaced it?"

"Enough!" Albus yelled then quickly regained his composure, "Tell me where the Stone is so that I can destroy it."

"You can't destroy the Stone!" Adeline told him appalled at his suggestion.

"Nicolas already gave me permission."

"The Stone is the greatest Alchemy accomplishment ever. You simply can't destroy it!"

"The Stone almost brought about the death of Harry Potter, and the return of Voldemort."

Adeline's face fell at the mention of her godson, "He is okay? Albus please tell me he's okay."

"He's alright. But with that Stone on the loose he might not be."

Adeline could tell he was manipulating her. She knew he was trying to make her feel guilty. But she knew it was working. "How old is he?"


"He started Hogwarts? And I've been in jail for 10 years then?" Adeline asked in shock. Time felt strange in Azkaban. No Sun or Moon. No clocks. Nothing.

"Yes." Albus told her bluntly, "Now stop stalling and tell me where you put the Stone."

"I want proof that he's okay. That Harry is alright."

"You don't deserve that reassurance."

"You really think it was me huh?" Adeline asked not even feeling surprised.

Albus scoffed at her, "I'm not usually wrong Adeline. But I was wrong about you. You were the first person I had crossed off my list. And I hate myself for it each day."

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