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For the first day of classes, Adeline sat in the Infirmary bored out of her mind. Madam Pomfrey was already stocked up on potions and no children were injured yet- not that she necessarily wanted kids to be hurt.

Eventually Adeline found herself falling asleep out of pure boredom, but was awoken by Pomfrey yelling at her. "Miss Wilson!"

Adeline jolted awake, "I'm up. Sorry."

"Can you take this to the boy in the third cot? It's a calming draught." Pomfrey handed her the small bottle.

"Yes ma'am." Adeline said with a yawn, "I'm on it."

She walked over to the curtains surrounding the third cot and threw them open. But then she froze. In fear, in shock, or in horror or maybe all three. The spitting image of Lucius Malfoy sat in front of her.

"No!" The boy in front of her yelled, "I need Madam Pomfrey, I won't have a mudblood treating me!"

"Merlin you even sound like him." Adeline gawked. It was his son, she had seen in the papers that Narcissa gave birth. But wow Adeline hadn't expected that none of Narcissa's genes would pull through.

"Like who?" The boy scoffed.

"Like your father. You're Lucius' kid correct?"

"Yes I am. How do you know that? My father wouldn't associate himself with mudbloods like you."

If only you knew, "I mean he tried to kill me and my family. So. I know him from that."

The boy, like many others, was taken aback by Adeline's honesty, "Oh. Well then. Are you going to try to take your revenge out on me."

"Ummm no? You're a child? You're not responsible for your dad nor would I attack a literal child?" Adeline dropped to a mumble, "Not that that ever stopped your father."

"That doesn't stop you from hating me like your little friend Lupin did." the boy replied bitterly.

"I mean I didn't hate you, but you are being kind of rude, my man. You probably were rude to Lupin too. Ever think to just be kind?"

"I'm kind to my friends! The people who deserve it!"

"I don't deserve it because I'm a mudblood I presume?"

"Exactly." the boy declared.

"Wonderful logic truly. But the mudblood is the one who currently holds your medicine so do you want it or nah?"

The boy narrowed his eyes then reached out to take it from her, "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Call yourself a mudblood. Most get offended just by hearing it."

Adeline felt a wave of deja vu overcome her. Their banter, his question, his family situtation. This boy in front of her was Regulus Black. "I'll tell you the same thing I told a Death Eater back in the 70s. Muggleborns grew up as muggles. Which means we didn't even know it was an insult or a slur until our minds were already halfway done with developing. Plus my parents hated that I was a wizard so I always thought it was ironic. Like you blood purists think my muggleness is the "muddy" part of me while my parents would argue the wizard part was."

"Hmm. Okay then."

"My turn for a question: what is your first name? I know I saw it in the papers, but forgive me my memory is not the best."


"Nice to meet you then Draco." Adeline stuck out her hand to shake it and Draco hesitantly took it, "So what happened to you?

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