the last great american dynasty

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When Adeline returned to the school, she immediately went to fill in Minnie on everything that had happened, then did the same with Winky (who was less forgiving of Remus' past actions) but excited nonetheless.

She planned on meeting with Harry the next day to fill him in, but she was told that he had a last minute meeting with Dumbledore.

Later that evening, he still wasn't back, and Adeline began to feel a sense of dread.

"Let me in." Adeline said to the Fat Lady while standing in front of the Gryffindor common room.

"I was wondering when you'd come back to Gryffindor. You always did disrupt the peace." The Fat Lady replied bitterly.

"It was the Gryffindor Common Room. There was no peace to begin with. And you have to let me in I'm faculty."

"You were a Hufflepuff! One day you tracked water all through my halls!"

"I was pushed in the Lake! Now let me the fuck in you have to."

"I don't have-," The door swung open.

"Miss Wilson!" McGongall said frantically. "We need to get all the students back to the their common rooms."

"What happened?"

"The Dark Mark is in the sky."


McGonagall and Adeline raced through the hallways yelling at students to return as quickly as possible, until finally they arrived outside the Astronomy Tower.

Shortly after their arrival, other Order Members came up to them, having received a patronus call from Dumbledore.

"Addy what's going on?" Remus said approaching her.

"I don't know. Death Eaters got in somehow." Adeline responded nervously.

"There are Death Eaters here?"

"Yes. They're up in the Astronomy Tower with Dumbledore and-... and Harry. There's a curse stopping us from going up there."

"Adeline and Remus we need you to patrol the left corridors." Moody demanded.

"No I will be staying right here thank you."

"Miss Wilson-,"

"No. My kid is up there and I will be the first person he sees when he comes down. He's going to need me."

"Well we need you to patrol."

"No. You all don't have any bloody power over me now go send someone else off because you're wasting your goddamn time."

"Addy why are you so on edge right now?" Remus asked worried.

Adeline was about to answer when she saw what looked like a body falling passed the window. And then heard a thump. She spoke in a whisper, "Dumbledore is dead."

Remus paled as he followed her gaze towards the window. He raced over and looked over the edge. The body on the ground was unmistakably Dumbledore. He turned back to Adeline in a panic.

"Get your wands out, they'll be down soon,"Adeline announced to who was left, "Moody I'd call back the people you sent patrolling, the fight is going to take place here."

Moody gave a nod of respect before beginning to
spit out new orders for the crew with McGonagall assisting.

"Do we tell them?" Remus asked her distraughtly tried to hold back his own tears.

"Yes. It gives them something to fight for." Adeline replied emotionless.

"Everyone!" Remus called out drawing their attention, "Listen to Moody's orders because he'll be running the show for now. Dumbledore is dead, let's make him proud."

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now