should've said no

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TW: mention of rape (not graphic just mention)

"Why aren't you studying?" Remus asked entering the kitchens to see Adeline baking with Winky. Their great Marauders map had finally been confiscated by Filch so he had wondered around half the castle trying to find her.

"I have studied nonstop for the last few months. Now it's time to relax and mentally prepare for the tests." Adeline responded while kneading her dough. Their NEWTS started tomorrow and all of their friends were cramming every last bit of information they could.

Remus took a seat and watched as her and Winky worked in sync. "What are you two making?"

"Bread." Winky replied in a short tone not even looking up.

Remus tilted his head at Adeline. 'She good?' He mouthed.

Adeline laughed and shook her head.

"Winks, I just need to talk to Remus for a second then he'll be gone and we can finish our baking is that okay?"

"Okay." Winky responded with a slight sigh.

Adeline took Remus out of the kitchens.

"Did I do something? What is her problem?" Remus asked confused.

"Winky doesn't particularly like you." Adeline said with a laugh.

"Why not?? I am always nice to the house elfs."

"Yes but if you recall she witnessed you not being very nice to me that one time."

"Right." Remus responded softly full of guilt over that day. Adeline had gotten Sirius' ban lifted but apparently Winky held a grudge.

"So that on top of me baking with you a lot instead of her has made Winky a little jealous. Nothing against you; I should've been more careful to make time for her."

"No it's okay. I never want to keep you from your friends."

"You weren't doing it intentionally. You just had to be so damn fun to be around that I couldn't help gravitating towards you." Adeline teased with a slight smile, "I have to go back to Winky now. I'll see you later."

"See you." Remus gave her a peck then she disappeared back into the kitchens.

"Quick and easy." Adeline said with a smile returning to Winky.

"Just in time to put in the oven!" Winky responded.

"Perfect, you do the honors."

Winky put their bread loaf in the oven and shut the door.

Adeline set a timer so they could take it out in time. "Winks what am I going to do without you. I graduate in two weeks."

"But Winky will see Adeline again. Adeline is going to buy Winky."

"Don't say it like that. I'm going to hire you. You would not be my slave. But that won't be for a while."

"But it will happen! Adeline promised."

"It will happen. But I just wanted to prepare you for it taking probably a few years until I'm fully settled."

"Winky is patient."

"What do you think about Remus, Winky? I know you don't like how much time I spend with him, but do you like him as a person?"

"Master Lupin was always nice to Winky. Winky could not leave Adeline in better hands."

Adeline beamed at hearing Winky's approval, "Good. I'm glad you like him."


a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now