In the Hospital

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It was Steve.


Immediately she was next to him and tried to wake him up. But he didn't react. Catherine quickly ran to the phone and called an ambulance. After that she called Danny. It took a while before he answered the phone.

"Detective Williams?" he mumbled sleepily.

"Danny, this is Catherine. Steve he... he's unconscious. I'm scared, I don't know what to do... until the ambulance gets here..."

Catherine was stuttering, she was just really scared for Steve. Danny was wide awake now and tried to calm Catherine down.

"Okay Catherine. listen to me, calm down I'll come to you right away."

Then he hung up, got dressed, and drove to Steve's house as fast as he could. As he got there, an ambulance came and two paramedics got out. Catherine opened the door quickly and Danny ran past her into the house. Immediately he was at Steve's side and was no less worried than Catherine. After all that happened in the last years, Steve was like a brother for him.

"Steve, hey! Come on buddy, wake up."

He knew that Catherine had already tried to wake him up, but it was worth a try. However, as expected, it was useless. Paramedics carefully placed Steve on a stretcher and carried him to the ambulance. Catherine got in with them and Danny followed the ambulance in his own car.

Less than 10 minutes later, the ambulance pulled up the driveway to the hospital. The paramedics took Steve to a treatment room, Catherine and Danny had to wait outside. Danny took Catherine in his arms to calm her down.

"Hey Catherine, everything will be fine, okay ? You know Steve, he doesn't give up that easily."

Catherine slipped out of his arms and looked at him. It took a moment for her to calm down.

"Yeah, you're right, but I feel kind of guilty, I mean I was with him and I didn't even realize he got up."

"No, it's not your fault. Steve is always sneaking around like a crazy super ninja. Nobody can hear him."

Now Catherine had to laugh too, but her concern for Steve didn't go away.

After half an hour Steve was taken to a normal room. Danny and Catherine followed his doctor.

"Hello, I am Doctor Kahale. First I have some good news for you, Commander McGarrett has no internal injuries and is actually doing well."

But ? Where's the but. Catherine thought nervously.

"But he had a very high heart rate and high blood pressure, which caused him to collapse. It's not entirely clear why his levels were so high, but the likely cause was intense stress. We have now given him beta blockers and calcium antagonists, which are causing his levels to go down. So don't worry, he'll be fine."

The Doctor left the room and Catherine went to Steve's bed.

"Okay Catherine, call me if anything happens or Steve wakes up, I'll go home now and let the others know what happened."

"Okay, see you later."

So Danny left the room and the two were alone. While Catherine was still worried, she was also angry with Steve. After the Mangosta thing, they promised each other that they would always be honest with each other. But he hadn't told her everything, although she had asked him directly about it.She made a mental note to ask him about it as soon as he was feeling better.

Catherine fell asleep in a chair next to Steve's bed after a while. The last hours of excitement took their toll.

Around 10 o'clock Catherine woke up again. Steve continued to sleep. So Catherine decided to get some coffee, which took a little longer than planned. Since the coffee machine on the floor was broken and she had to walk to the next one, where there were 3 people in front of her.Great, she thought.

Meanwhile Steve woke up too. He looked around and realized where he was. But he couldn't remember why he was in the hospital, the last thing he could remember was the discussion with Catherine and they had gone home, from then on everything became a blur.Steve sat up and because he and hospitals weren't best friends, he was already unplugging the IV and the other cables. Suddenly Catherine came into the room and looked at Steve first in surprise and then annoyed.

"Steve, what is this supposed to be?"

"Catherine! Can you tell me why I'm even here?"

Catherine looked at him confused.

"Can't you remember?"

"No, I have no idea what happened after we got home."

Now Catherine sat back down in the chair next to Steve's bed.

"Okay, so you stay here in bed now, I'll get a nurse to put your IV back on and then I'll tell you everything."

Steve was still confused but he did what Catherine told him to do.

5 minutes later, Catherine came back with a nurse, who immediately put Steve back on the devices and the infusion. As she did so, Catherine texted Danny. So neither Catherine or Steve noticed that this nurse injected something else into the IV before she left the room.After she left, Catherine told Steve what happened.

"Okay, so you collapsed last night and I took you to the hospital in an ambulance. The doctor said it was because intense stress and now I really want an honest answer from you. What is wrong with you ?"

Steve took a moment, but then answered.

"I've been having, well, nightmares for a few days and I figured it'll go away on its own and I don't have to tell you guys about it."

It was hard for him to talk about it like that and he was also kind of embarrassed. Because, a Navy SEAL with nightmares? That just didn't work.

Catherine sat down next to Steve on the edge of the bed.

"Steve, you can talk to me about stuff like that, I'm always there for you. OK?Will you tell me what you dreamed of?"

"In these dreams..."

It was incredibly difficult for him to pronounce these events. He took a few more deep breaths before continuing.

"I have the mission of North Korea in mind in a loop, but most of all Freddy's death."

"Hey Steve look at me. This will pass again. I can imagine why it bothers you so much. You still blame yourself for his death, don't you?"

"Yeah, I just think about it a lot since I left him there. Maybe it was a mistake and I could have saved him somehow."

"From what you told me, I'm pretty sure you did everything you could to save him. And you accomplished the mission. Besides, Freddy certainly wouldn't want you to blame yourself for that. So try to forgive yourself. But you don't have to go through this alone, I'm here for you."

"Thanks Cath."

Then Danny came into the room.

"Well, buddy. How are you ?"

"Better, what did you expect?"

"Well to be honest I was hoping you'd get some more sleep so I could drive my car longer."

"Oh, I'm sorry I ruined your hopes."

Now Catherine intervened.

"Didn't Chin and Kono want to come too?"

"Um yeah, but we've got a new case, so we've got to go too, Catherine. I'm going out to the car. And you buddy, rest and stay here for a while."

When Danny left, Catherine said goodbye to Steve.

"I'll come back this evening, okay?"

"Good, see you later."

Catherine gave him a quick kiss and went to the door, where she turned to him again.

"And Steve, you stay here in this hospital until the doctor allows you to leave, is that clear?"

"Got it."

"Steve, I'm serious."

"Yeah okay, I'm not running and now go. Danny is waiting."

So Catherine walked from the hospital to Danny's car and the two drove to the crime scene.

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