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Steve sat down in his office and buried his face in his hands. He wasn't sure if his decision was the right one. But then again, he was really mad at Catherine. He just didn't understand why she didn't tell him the truth. Hopefully Catherine would understand and eventually confide in him before it was too late.

Then Danny walked into Steve's office.

"Did Catherine say what happened?"

"No, unfortunately she didn't. She just said she can't tell me."

"How did you react ?"

"I made it clear to her that I don't understand why she isn't telling me and that I can't trust her for now."

"And then ?"

"I walked up here."

"Oh no Steven. I can see your face. There is something else."

"You are right. I gave her my wedding ring when I said I couldn't trust her for now."

"You did what?! Didn't I tell you, don't do anything rash ?"

"Yes, you did. But I don't know how else to convey the seriousness of the situation to her."

"But there is another way! Now she really thinks that she can't confide in anyone and won't tell anything! Plus, you've pretty much put your relationship at a risk, don't you realize that?!"

"Danny, don't get so upset. Catherine didn't tell anyone anyway and I had no intention of putting our relationship at a risk. But I just want to make it clear to her that I won't trust her if she doesn't tell me the truth."

"I understand that. I'm just saying that there might have been another way."

"To be honest, I don't know. I've been thinking about it myself, whether it wasn't the wrong decision after all, but that's the way it is now. I don't want to worry too much about it now. It would be best if we all go home now and get on with our work tomorrow morning."

"Okay. See you tomorrow, then."

Danny left Steve's office and headed home. Steve drove off a few minutes after him. He had been down briefly again, but Catherine wasn't there anymore.

Catherine stood there in shock for a moment after Steve went upstairs again. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She had actually destroyed their relationship for the time being. And all because she couldn't tell Steve the truth because of the damn camera and microphone. She would have liked to have removed and destroyed these things now. But she knew what would happen then and that was a lot worse than having a fight with Steve. Catherine needed a break from it all now. She went upstairs and took a detour out there so Steve couldn't see her. There she took a taxi and drove home to pack some things. Next, she took her car and drove to a hotel. Catherine just couldn't be with Steve right now. It hurt too much.

When Steve got home and saw that Catherine's car wasn't there, it made him even sadder. He had expected it, but inwardly hoped that she wouldn't go. But Steve could understand it somehow. Still, he hoped that Catherine would tell him what had happened in the next few days. Because if she goes to prison for murder, Steve doesn't know what he would do. He definitely didn't want a life without Catherine. Besides, he was sure that Catherine hadn't just murdered this man in cold blood. She would never do that. But if she didn't comment, they had no proof of her innocence. Except for the towel with the blood on it and Catherine's fingerprints, which would suggest she was trying to save the man. Unfortunately, that's not enough in court. These thoughts would not leave Steve alone. He kept asking himself if he had done something wrong. But now there was nothing he could do about it. The whole day, but especially the last hour, had been pretty exhausting and nerve-wracking. Because of this, Steve tried to sleep as early as 8 p.m. But that was not really crowned with success. He hardly closed his eyes all night. He just felt bad and only thought about Catherine.

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