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Danny and the others sat in the waiting room for about two hours until doctor Kahale came to them again. This time he had a slight smile on his face.

"I have good news for you. The surgery went well and Commander McGarrett is out of danger. He is still in the ICU. But if nothing else goes wrong, he can probably be moved tonight."

"Thank you, Doc. When can we go to him?"

"It would be best if he was moved. Now he needs a lot of rest. I'll call you when the time comes. Goodbye."

The whole team was relieved and now they could devote themselves to the current problem with some reassurance. So they drove to the HQ and thought together how they could find out the truth and then possibly prove Catherine's innocence. After a few minutes, Danny suddenly had an idea.

"We're really too stupid!"

"What's your idea ?"

"Catherine was on the phone with Victor earlier. And that in the safe house, where there are surveillance cameras almost everywhere. Well, somehow Catherine must have found out that Steve was shot. So either she was called or..."

"Someone visited her." Kono finished Danny's sentence.

"Exactly. Kono, can you get the tapes?"

"Sure. Give me two minutes."

Shortly thereafter, Kono had the tapes and they fast-forwarded until they saw the spot where Victor actually entered the house and spoke to Catherine.

Watching this made Danny feel pretty bad. He hadn't even given Catherine a chance to explain. He now saw that Victor was really behind all this and that he had probably forced Catherine to do everything. And now when Danny saw Catherine slumping to the ground in the shot because she apparently thought Steve was dead, it made his feeling even worse. Also because it hurt him to see Steve getting shot again and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Okay, I think that pretty much proves Catherine's innocence."

They all hoped so, but Chin expressed the concern that still remained. "Let's hope the court sees it the same way. Otherwise things could get tight."

"Yes I know. But we must try. We should also go in search of Victor. If we have him, there would be an even greater chance of Catherine getting out of there. Now please do everything you can to find Victor. I'll drive to Catherine and listen to the full part of the story. Maybe this will give us a crucial clue."

Danny was about to leave when Kono stopped him.

"Danny, wait. Maybe it's better if I talk to her. After your loud conversation earlier, she may confide more in me than in you right now."

"Okay, you're right. Then you drive to her."

So Kono made his way to the HPD, where Catherine was being held. Once there, Kono spoke to Duke and was then taken to Catherine.

"Duke, will you leave us alone for a moment?"

"Of course. See you soon."

So Catherine and Kono were alone.

"How are you ?"

"I'm still trying to stay optimistic and hope I don't actually end up in prison."

"I can tell you that we're on to Victor. We'll do everything we can to find him and prove your innocence."

"Thank you Kono. I appreciate that. And I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark the whole time. But I had no choice."

"Yes I know. We've seen the footage from the safe house cameras and we know what Victor showed you and that he probably used it to blackmail you. But now you have to tell me the whole story. Maybe that gives us a clue."

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