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Catherine looked at the tablet and knew exactly what was about to happen.

"Victor, stop! Don't do that! I did the jobs for you, and I'm probably going to prison for that. Then you get what you wanted after all!"

"You have no idea what I want! Do you really think that you going to prison and being separated from Steve would be enough for me? That damn bastard needs to pay for what he did to me!"

Victor pulled a radio from his jacket.

Catherine looked at the tablet and when the man shot Steve, Catherine's world collapsed. She saw Steve get hit and fall over. That broke her heart.
Victor and his two helpers smiled and left the house.

Catherine stayed behind and had to deal with that. Steve was probably dead and it was her fault. She should have told him, then it wouldn't have happened. It was too late now. It was over.
Out of anger and sadness, she took off the earring with the camera in it and threw it on the floor. She also ripped off and destroyed the microphone she was wired to.
Catherine then dropped to the floor, not knowing what to do.
Right now she couldn't even cry. She was just shocked and couldn't believe that Steve was probably dead.

After a few minutes, Catherine regained her composure and was able to think clearly. Although the HPD was after her, it was over now anyway, so she could also tell the truth. But now she had to make sure about Steve. So she got in the car that was parked here for emergencies and drove to the HQ...

At HQ, just before :

Steve got out of the Camaro with Danny. Steve was glad they had finished discussing Catherine and her connection to Jason's death. He only hoped that he would be right in what he said. Because very slight doubts arose in him too, even if he didn't admit it.
Steve checked his watch, which didn't help his mood. In 25 minutes it would be 4 hours since Catherine got that call. And that would mean that these people would carry out their threat. Or not. But there would only be one reason for that, and that was that Catherine had done her job and was the killer of Jason Harris.
But Steve didn't want to believe that. And by convincing Danny of that, he was trying to convince himself as well.

Just as Steve was still deep in thought, he suddenly felt this intense pain. Then his vision blurred and he fell to the side. As if from far away, he heard Danny calling his name. But Steve just had no chance to answer. He looked down and saw the blood, which spread more and more. But his strength gave way more and more, which is why he now closed his eyes. He still felt how Danny grabbed him and probably pulled him behind the car for cover. Then Danny's voice got quieter and quieter.

Danny quickly grasped the situation and pulled Steve under cover behind the car. He then pulled out his cell phone and called an ambulance. Since no further shots came, Danny put his gun away and got a first aid kit from the trunk. Then he turned to Steve.

"Steve, stay awake! You will not die here! You stubborn son of a bitch, listen to me, you will not die!"

But Steve didn't have the strength to open his eyes anymore. It was difficult enough just concentrating on Danny's voice.
Danny was incredibly concerned. There wasn't much he could do other than try to stop the bleeding. He prayed that no vital organ had been hit. Then Steve's chances of survival would be close to zero.
Danny kept checking Steve's pulse and hoping the ambulance would be here soon.

After 3 minutes, which seemed endless for Danny, the ambulance finally came and the paramedics were with Steve immediately. Danny stepped aside to make room for them. Then Chin, Kono and Lou came running to them. They had seen the flashing lights and heard the siren. Danny briefly told them what had happened and then got into the ambulance. The others followed behind.

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