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It was dead quiet in Joe's car on the drive to Doris. Steve had many thoughts on his mind. He didn't yet know exactly how to talk to Doris. On the one hand, he was angry with her. But on the other hand somehow glad that she was on the island. Because Catherine was right. After everything she had done, she was still his mother. And he didn't want to lose her again.

Arrived at the house, Steve got out. Joe stayed in the car because he was sure that Steve and Doris had some things to discuss privately. As Steve stood in front of her door, he took another deep breath and then knocked. The door opened immediately and Doris stood opposite him. Nobody said anything for a moment.

"Do you want to come in?"

"If you don't avoid me."

"I promise you. And now come."

Steve followed Doris, who led him into the living room and then sat down in one of the armchairs. Steve sat across from her. Doris then began to speak.

"I know you have many questions."

"Correct. Let's start with why you went into hiding after you left with Kono and Adam."

"Shortly after I was in Japan with them, I was recruited again by the CIA. Then I did some jobs for them and then I went back to Hawaii. I didn't get in touch with you because I didn't want to put you in danger."

"Oh, and when you were back on the island? Did you want to protect me there as well?"

"Yes. And I was afraid to face you. I just wasn't ready."

"Okay, so why didn't you tell me last year that you partly raised Wo Fat?"

"How do you know about it?"

"Well, from Wo Fat. He kidnapped me and told me."

"I'm so sorry, Steve. I just didn't want to talk about it and put it behind me."

"You could have told me about it! And tell me the truth: Do you know where Wo Fat's father is?"


"But you didn't tell Wo Fat when you visited him in prison. How so?"

"Because I knew what he had done to you over the years and I didn't want him to break out and kill all the people guarding his father!"

"I was tortured because of his father. I was tortured two times, because of you! Back then because of Shelburne and then because of Wo Fat's father, who you should have kill!"

"Steve, I understand that you are angry. And I'm sorry. For everything I've done."

"Is this supposed to make me feel better?"

"I'm serious. I'm really sorry for everything you and Mary had to go through. And also that you were tortured because of me."

"And what am I supposed to do with that statement? I just forgive you everything and then we'll pretend it didn't happen?!"

"No, I just want you to try to understand. What I did and what decisions I made. And maybe you can forgive me."

"No, Doris. Not like that. When I gave you a chance back then, you just took advantage of it and ran away. How am I supposed to forgive you now?"

"I'm just asking you to try. I don't want to run away anymore. I want to be a part of your and Mary's life again."

"All right. I'll think about it and call you."

Then Steve left the house and got back in the car with Joe.

"So, do you have your answers?"

"You could say that. Now, would you please drop me off at home?"

Hawaii Five-0: SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now