New Case

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After 2 long hours of waiting, doctor Kahale came to them. Steve got up immediately and walked towards him.

"Hey. How does it look like? How is she doing ?"

"It was close in between, but the operation itself went well and she is stable so far. I can't give you the all-clear yet, but one hurdle has been cleared."

"Can I go to her now?"

"Yes of course. Come with me."

Steve followed doctor Kahale over the many corridors. Then they stopped in front of one of the rooms.

"Here we are. But I'll tell you right away, it will be a while before she wakes up."

"Okay." Doctor Kahale wanted to leave when Steve spoke to him again.

"Doctor Kahale... Thanks for saving her life. And also thank you for...saving my life on many occasions. That means a lot to me."

"You don't need to say thank you. It makes me happy when I can help people."

He then turned and left. Steve entered Catherine's room.

Then he realized how Catherine must have felt the last few times he'd almost died. The sight almost broke his heart. Catherine was lying in that hospital bed, hooked up to a lot of equipment, looking rather pale and exhausted. Steve sat in the chair next to her bed and waited for her to wake up.

4 long hours of waiting passed. Everyone except Steve had gone home or to headquarters by now. After all, Victor was still walking around freely. Steve tried to stay calm and relax. After all, doctor Kahale had been here a few times and had checked everything was okay. However, Steve was secretly afraid that something else would happen or that Catherine wouldn't wake up. Then he would be lost. Without Catherine his life would have been ruined. Steve just needed her.

Then Catherine moved. Steve saw this and immediately moved the chair closer to her bed. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room.

"Where am I ?"

"In a hospital. Just take it easy."

Steve gave Catherine a few minutes to relax.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, most of it...Where's Victor?"

"He escaped before the HPD got there. A manhunt is underway, but so far there is no clue as to where he is. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize."

"Yes...but, using you to get me. He almost killed you. And I could never have forgiven myself for that."

Catherine took his hand and looked into his eyes.

"It still went well. Don't blame yourself. We should focus on what's coming."

"Yes you are right. But first you have to get healthy again."

As called, doctor Kahale came in.

"Glad you're awake, Lieutenant McGarrett. How do you feel ?"

"Very tired, to be honest."

"It's no wonder. Rest and sleep a lot. You can go home in a week. Of course, the healing process will take a while, but if you rest at home, you don't have to stay in the hospital. Oh, and I wanted to congratulate you on your marriage. But try less to end up in the hospital. Both of you. That would be really good for you."

"Thank you, doctor Kahale. We will try."

"Good. I'll come back later."

So he was out of the room again. While Steve didn't leave Catherine's side, even after she fell asleep again, danger was brewing somewhere else.

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