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At the crime scene (Diamond Head):

Danny and Catherine got out and went to Kono, Chin and Max.
Danny: "Okay Max, what do we have?"
"The victim is male. We were able to identify him from his fingerprints. His name is Bryan Hadley. The cause of death was three shots in the chest."
"Okay, why do you think the killer dumped the body up here? I mean, there are always hikers here. It was only a matter of time before someone found him."
"Maybe the killer was here with Bryan Hadley for something, it went terribly wrong and he shot Bryan," Kono suggested.
"Yes could be. All right, so we'll meet at headquarters in a moment and await the results of the ballistics investigation."

20 minutes later at HQ:

The four of them were now standing together at their large computer desk and were looking at the traces from the crime scene when Kono broke the silence:

"How is Steve anyway?"

"Apparently okay, after all he would have left the hospital earlier if I hadn't stopped him," Catherine replied.
"Well, typical Steve." Chin said.
Then Danny's cell phone rang.
"This is Fong...yes Charlie, what do you got?"
"I examined the bullets used to shoot Bryan Hadley and was able to identify the gun. It belongs to an Amir Jones."
"Okay, thanks Charlie."Catherine entered the name into the database.
"Well, Amir Jones has been in prison twice. Once for aggravated assault and the other for armed robbery."
"Then let's pay him a visit." Danny decided.

Meantime, Hospital :

Steve was just bored, he wanted to help in this case too and not just lie around, doing nothing. Besides, he was already feeling better. He knew that Catherine would kill him, but now he finally unplugged the IV and the other cables, got up and put on his real clothes. Then he left his room, but he didn't get far because the doctor blocked his way."Commander McGarrett, you should be lying in your room and resting. What are you doing here in the corridor?"

"Listen, I'm fine and I'm going now."

"Oh no, no way. You have to stay here for observation for at least 2 more days."

"Shall I tell you something? This isn't the first time doctors like you have tried to stop me from leaving early. But so far no one has made it. So if you'll excuse me, I have to go now."

So he just walked past the doctor towards the exit. The doctor stopped, confused.

"Nevertheless, I can't just dismiss you early, Commander."

But Steve just ignored him and went his way. Outside, he got into a cab and drove to headquarters. The doctor stopped and was simply overwhelmed by the situation, something he had never experienced before.

When Steve got to headquarters, the others weren't there. They must have been on the case, Steve thought. So he sat down in his office and did some paperwork for the last few cases. Anything better than lying in the hospital and doing nothing.

A little later the others came back to the HQ. They caught Amir Jones and he even confessed to the crime. He said Bryan cheated on him in a deal and he deserved death for it. So he had met with him and killed him. He simply laid the body in the bushes. Well, stupid criminals do exist, Danny had replied after the guy had confessed.

Catherine was furious when she saw Steve sitting in his office. She immediately ran to him and threw open the door."Steve, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd do the paperwork," he said calmly.

"No seriously. I'll drive you right back..." She couldn't get any further when her cell phone rang.

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