The mission

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"Nice to hear your voice."

"Who's there ?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"What do you want ?"


Before Steve could say anything else, the person hung up. Well, this day couldn't get any weirder, thought Steve. Who the hell was that? And what did he mean by justice?

But they had a mission. He would have to take care of that call later. Next, Joe discussed the mission with them. That would take place tomorrow evening. Catherine is smuggled in, goes to Satō and lures him outside. There they would arrest him. There wasn't much more to clarify. For this reason, everyone went home and made an appointment for tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. at headquarters.

Steve was lost in thought on the drive. He thought a lot about that call. Could this have something to do with James, who wanted revenge on him? Where did this person get his cell phone number from? Could it be that Wo Fat was behind it? Did this have anything to do with Doris? Or in general with the data from the CIA server? So many questions and not a single answer. That was really frustrating. Especially because Steve was now also worried that someone was after him again and could do something to Catherine.

Catherine snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Who called you earlier?"

"I don't know."

"I kind of thought so. I see how it bothers you."

"The person just said that I will soon find out who she is and that she wants justice. I just don't know for what."

"You'll find out."

"I just hope we all get out of this unscathed."

"We just watch out and stick together. We'll manage, don't worry. And before that we help Doris and then we go on vacation."

"That's the next point. I feel betrayed by Doris. Also, she's lied to me so many times, and when I confront her, she disappears. So I'm not sure if I want to help her anymore. The reason I'm on this mission is solely because I see an opportunity to get someone off the heroin trade."

"Steve. Even if she lied to you, she is still your mother. You would regret it if you didn't help her now."

"Yes, maybe you're right. I'm giving her one last chance. If she disappears again after this, that's the end of it."

The rest of the day passed pretty quickly. And the next day was probably one of the few days where the team could sleep long. In the evening, Catherine got ready and drove to headquarters.

There they went through the operation again step by step. Then they prepared their van by being able to monitor everything. And Steve talked to Catherine again.

"I still don't have a good feeling about this."

"Steve. I have prepared myself. I know exactly the way in and out. It will work."

"And what if you get busted?"

"Then I'll improvise and besides, you're nearby."

"But we can't really protect you with that."

"Just don't worry. That will work for sure. I know what I am doing."

"But be careful."


So they went outside too. Steve got into the van with the others and Catherine went to her car. Arriving at the casino, Catherine got out and went inside. She wore a long black dress, had some makeup on her face and her hair was slightly wavy. She also wore a hidden leg holster and a microphone. It didn't take long at the casino and she had located Satō. He was sitting at a table in the middle of the room. Catherine approached and saw how he had just lost a lap. lucky for her.

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