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So Steve brought James down to the interrogation room. Catherine stayed upstairs and stood in the middle of the hall where the others were standing. Danny was curious who Steve had just dragged there.

"What's Steve up to again?"

"The person who just wanted to see me apparently intended to kidnap me. Steve came at the right moment and arrested him. Now he will probably interrogate him."

"Ah, wonderful. I'd rather go down. Otherwise he'll kill him."

When Danny got downstairs and stood in front of the interrogation room door, he heard the two of them talking very loudly. Danny entered and Steve barely noticed him. Instead he almost yelled at James.

"Do you usually attack other women like that?!"


"Then finally tell me what was so different about Catherine!"

Now Danny stepped in because he noticed how Steve was literally exploding. He pulled Steve out of the room and closed the door.

"I think you should stop this."

"I'm not letting him get away. And now go back upstairs."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Danny, this is not the time to argue."

"You see, I have a different opinion on that. I think it's a good timing. We'll just take him to the HPD and he won't get away with it."

"No, not yet. I want to talk to him first."

"He won't tell you anything anyway and what do you even want to hear from him?!"

"Don't worry, I'll get him to talk and I just want to know what's behind it."

"That's not important. We just book him in for a while and that's it."

"Not important? What would you do if this would be about Amber ?"

"I would kill the guy."

"There you are!"

"But maybe we should still be sensible."

"Danny, just let me talk to him. I will let him live too. And now go back upstairs."

"Okay, I'm going. Don't do anything stupid."

Danny made his way upstairs while Steve went back to James.

"So here we are. I think I asked you what was different about Catherine. And now talk !"

"You should know that. You took my girlfriend, I'll take yours."

"What are you talking about?"

"Erika. You son of a bitch took her from me!"

"Now I remember. But it was different. We were just good friends. She told me how you treated her. She loved you and didn't want to leave you. But she just couldn't cope with the circumstances anymore. That's why she came to me. I advised her to have the courage to break up. So that she would be better. She was grateful that I could help her."

"As I said, it's your fault that she left me! I wanted to do the same to you!"

"And how did you imagine that?!"

"I had a plan. My goal was simply that you suffer as much as I did at the time!"

"Oh, and that would be? Did you want to kill her?!"

"I wanted to make her disappear so you never know what happened to her! That you'll never get over this pain!"

"It's your own fault that Erika left you. You should put up with it."

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