Another secret

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"Lieutenant Rollins?" Catherine mumbled sleepily.

"Good morning Lieutenant, here is doctor Kahale. I just wanted to let you know that Commander McGarrett's stats have improved enough for us to move him to a regular room. You can visit him if you like. He should wake up within the next 3-4 hours."

Now Catherine was wide awake and relieved.

"Thanks. I'll come by then."

She hung up and got dressed. Then she called Mary and the others to tell them what she had learned.

Catherine then drove to the hospital. She was lucky. Doctor Kahale was standing in the corridor looking at some documents.

"Doctor Kahale!"

"Lieutenant Rollins, I wasn't expecting you so soon. But I'll take you to his room. Follow me."


On the way, doctor Kahale continue with Catherine.

"You know, we should soon be giving Commander McGarrett his own room. And hang a sign with his name on it. As often as he is here."

"Well, I hope he doesn't end up back here anytime soon. But in principle you are right."

"I would also like to ask you to take care of him. We won't always be able to save him."

"I'll try it."

"So, here we are."

"Many Thanks."

"No problem, call me when he wakes up. But first calm him down. It may well be that he is disoriented and confused."

"Fine, I will."

"Then I'll leave you alone now."

So went doctor Kahale again and Catherine went to Steve's bed. He looked a lot better than yesterday, not quite as pale. She sat down next to him and was just happy that he was doing better. It didn't take long before Mary and the others came into the room.

"Hey guys."

Danny approached Catherine first.

"Did doctor Kahale said anything else?"

"No. Just that we're supposed to call him when Steve wakes up. Listen, I think it's great that you're all here. For real. But you should go to headquarters and go after this kidnapper."

"You're right. We intend to do that too. We just wanted to stop by."

That's exactly what they did. They only stayed a few more minutes and then drove to the HQ. Mary stayed in the room.

"I'm glad he's doing better. Because I should fly back tomorrow. I have to work and I don't want to leave Joan with my friend for so long."

"I understand that well, Mary. But he should wake up in the next few hours. Then you can fly back tomorrow in peace."

Otherwise, Mary and Catherine talked about other topics. It wasn't difficult to find subjects either, because they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

After about 3 hours they were interrupted. Steve stirred and then slowly opened his eyes. Catherine looked at him and Mary immediately went out of the room to get doctor Kahale.

"Hey Steve, how are you?"


"Yes, I'm here."

Now Catherine had tears in her eyes. But this time they were tears of happiness. She was so happy to see him reasonably healthy again.

Then came doctor Kahale and Mary in.

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