Rescue mission

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Catherine looked at the table by the front door. The key was there. So Steve probably wasn't jogging. Next she went outside through the garden gate.

Now she could see Steve. He stood in front of the garden chairs and looked at the sea. Catherine knew something was wrong.

She went to him.

"Steve, what's going on?"

"Good morning Cath. I just couldn't sleep."

"I thought so, would also explain why you were so tired yesterday. What's wrong with you?"

She could see Steve not wanting to talk about it. However, after a short while, Steve decided to tell Catherine what was going on.

"You know, I haven't been able to sleep well since the kidnapping. Every night I have the same dream. I'm back in this room with Wo Fat and that woman. And it feels so real. The pain, the fear that he's going to hurt you, it's all back."

Catherine walked up to him and hugged him.

"We'll get through this together. I'm always there for you."

"Thanks Cath."

"Is there anything else that's bothering you?"


"Okay, don't you want to lie down again? I'll be with you if you should have that dream again."

"No, it's okay. I would rather have breakfast."

"All right. I'll cook something."


So they kissed and Catherine went in to make breakfast. Steve felt a little better now that he had talked about it. He sat down in one of the chairs and tried to relax.

At the same time at headquarters:

The team had worked through the night. Everyone was tired, but they wanted to find the girls before it might be too late. In the next moment their rescue came.

An HPD officer came to headquarters with a young girl.

"Detective Williams?"

"Yes, what do you got?"

"This girl came to HPD about an hour ago. She has already been checked and is dehydrated. Otherwise she has some bruises. She didn't talk, but it could possibly have something to do with your case."

"Okay thanks. We take over."

So he left and Danny quickly got Kono to talk to the girl.

Danny, Lou and Chin left the two alone.

"Hello, I'm Kono. Would you like to tell me your name?"

The girl said nothing.

"Hey, nothing can happen to you. You are safe now. We can help you if you let us."

"My name is Lelani Keaka."

"Okay, Lelani. Do you want to tell me what happened ?"

"I can not remember the details. I was at such a party and at some point I woke up in a dark room. Next I was taken by two men to other girls in some house. We were there for a few days I guess. They hardly gave us anything to eat and if we tried to fight back, they beat us. This morning we were taken to another house. I managed to escape along the way. The others kept the two men busy so I could run away. Then I ran as fast as I could until I got into town. After that I walked to the HPD. Please help me. The other girls must be freed."

Kono heard a great deal of uncertainty and fear in Lelani's voice.

"I promise we'll do our best to find the others. Do you know anything else that might help us ?"

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