Explanation for everything ?

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They were almost there when suddenly Danny's cell phone rang. He spoke to someone briefly and then hung up. Almost all color had drained from his face. The others looked at him confused.
"What's going on?" Chin asked him.

"It's about Steve."

Very quickly the team split up and drove off. Chin and Lou brought Victor to HQ to interrogate him and make sure he didn't escape from them again. Kono and Danny drove to the hospital, where Steve was.
Once there, the two walked down the hallway until they met doctor Kahale. And neither Danny nor Kono liked the look on his face.

"I don't have good news. There was an alarm about an hour ago, and since Commander McGarrett was still on ICU, we were able to react quickly. We were also able to find out quickly what the problem was. When he got hit by the bullet, he probably got injured more than we first thought. This led to internal bleeding, which luckily we discovered in time. Otherwise, his values have suddenly deteriorated.
This is most likely related to the internal bleeding. Commander McGarrett is in the OR right now. As soon as there is something new, I will let you know."

"Thanks, Doc."

While doctor Kahale went back to his work, Kono turned to Danny.
"How are we supposed to tell Catherine? First I tell her Steve is out of danger and now I have to tell her he's back in the OR and we can't say exactly how he's doing."

"You know, maybe it would be better not to tell her about it for now. I mean look at us. We can hardly deal with the fact that Steve's life is in danger again. How do you think Catherine is doing with this? We don't have to do that to her again."

"Yeah, but don't you think she has the right to know about it?"

"Yes, but I don't think she has to worry about Steve as well. It's stressful enough as it is. Let's just sit here and see what happens and hope Chin and Lou get a confession from Victor."


Meanwhile, Chin and Lou had arrived at headquarters with Victor and taken him to the interrogation room. They definitely had to keep up with the interrogation. Because in an hour the plane should take off, which would fly Victor to his new home.

This got Chin straight to the point. He didn't want to waste time.

"So Victor. We know you were behind the murder of Jason Harris. And that you hired Catherine to do it. We also have video of you in the safe house with Catherine and showing her how Steve gets shot. You'll go to prison for that. But we would like to know why you went to all this trouble."

"You can imagine that. McGarrett murdered my wife! And death alone would have been too good for this son of a bitch. He should first suffer like me. Being separated from his wife and blaming himself."

"I want to tell you something. With the video footage we have and the fact that you fell into our trap of trying to kill Steve, you're going to spend some long years in prison. Because if you didn't notice, you incriminated yourself in the safe house. Not only you show Catherine someone shooting at Steve. You said the job of killing Jason Harris was already done. For this you are an accessory to murder. And I could continue this list. For example, with kidnapping or grievous bodily harm. In other words, you're lucky if you get just one life sentence."

"I don't care. Still, I pretty much got my revenge. McGarrett will be separated from his wife. Because even if she didn't kill Jason Harris, she's still responsible for killing the drug dealer in her backyard."

Then Lou intervened.
"Oh, I feel sorry for you. He must have forgotten to mention it. Next time you gain access to the forensic computers, make sure you don't get traced. We also have detailed information about what you were doing there. You altered the results of the murder weapon examination from the crime scene so that the result incorrectly came out as Catherine's fingerprints. Well, I have another bad news. Since we were able to trace you back, we were able to find your hiding place. And right at this moment, a SWAT team is making sure that your helpers and accomplices will see just as little daylight as you do in the near future. It's over."

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