Problem solved ?

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Just before Victor could pull the trigger, the front door burst open and Danny, Kono, and Doris stormed in, guns raised. They aimed at Victor and the other man. The man immediately put down his gun and raised his hands.

Victor was thinking. He hadn't gotten the info he wanted, or his revenge. However, he saw that he had no chance. That's why he put down his gun and put his hands up. Kono quickly called the HPD and ordered two ambulances at the same time. Meanwhile, Doris and Danny handcuffed Victor and his accomplice. Doris made sure the two didn't run away while Danny took care of Steve and Kono took care of Catherine.

It hurt Danny to see Steve like that. It was almost as bad as after the kidnapping through Wo Fat.

"Steve, hey look at me. It's over, buddy. Everything will be fine."


"Yes. I'm here. It will be alright."

"Where is Catherine?"

Catherine came out from behind Danny. Kono quickly untied her and she was doing relatively well given the circumstances. She knelt down next to Steve and took his hand.

"Steve, I'm here. I'm fine."

Steve was very relieved and stopped concentrating so much on staying awake. Now he knew that everything would be fine. He gave in to exhaustion and closed his eyes. The drugs just still hadn't lost their effect. Danny panicked when Steve closed his eyes.

"Hey buddy, stay awake. Do you hear me? Steve, damn it, open your eyes!"

Catherine tried to calm him down somehow.

"Danny, try to stay calm. I think Victor just injected him with something to calm him down. It won't be that bad."

Of course, inside, Catherine was also worried. After a few minutes, they heard the sirens of ambulances and the HPD. Kono ran outside and showed the paramedics where to go. Four paramedics entered the house. Two approached Steve. The other two wanted to take care of Catherine and take her to the ambulance. However, she refused. She wanted to stay with Steve for now. The paramedics standing around Steve and had put him on a stretcher and were now taking him to the ambulance. Catherine wanted to get in when Danny held her back.

"Danny, what is it?"

"Please be reasonable and get into the other ambulance. Let yourself be treated."

"No I'm fine."

"You don't really look like that. Listen, I know it's hard. But I'll go with Steve and let you know if there's anything new."

"All right."

Catherine turned uncomfortably and got into the ambulance with the other two paramedics. Kono accompanied her. When Danny got in to Steve, the ambulance drove away. Steve didn't open his eyes the entire drive. Danny was worried but tried to stay calm as long as the paramedic stayed calm.

At the hospital, Steve was taken to a treatment room and Danny sat in the waiting room. He couldn't believe he was sitting here again. It's just been way too often lately. Hopefully this will be over soon. After all, Victor was caught and would spend the next few years behind bars. That was already a success. Then Danny saw Kono, who now also entered the waiting room.

"Hey Danny, any news from Steve?"

"No. He was still unconscious on the drive here, otherwise I didn't notice anything. And how is Catherine ?"

"I guess well. After all, she was still very good at arguing. But so is the doctor and so she is now sitting in the room and being treated instead of being with us."

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