What is going on ?

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The day then passed very quietly. There was no new case, Victor was in hiding, and there was no new lead in the drug case.

And the next day wasn't really different either. Danny had been keeping an eye on Catherine and realizing that something must be wrong. She rarely spoke to anyone, was kind of absent and hadn't visited Steve all day. When Danny spoke to the others about this, they agreed, saying that Catherine avoided them when they tried to talk to her.

So Danny drove to Steve after he left the office. Maybe Steve knew what was going on.

"Hey Steve."

"Danny, what are you doing here?"

"May I not visit you when you are here again?"

"Sure. But something about your voice tells me something is wrong."

"Do you have superpowers now or what?"

"No. But you always say I have this face and you, my friend, have this tone."

"Fine. You're right. I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay, bring it."

"It's about Catherine."

"What happened ?"

"I just don't know. When she came into the office yesterday morning, firstly she was half an hour late and secondly she looked quite pale. But she doesn't talk to anyone about it. It wasn't any better today either."

"But she left here on time yesterday. And it didn't look like anything was wrong either."

"That's why I wanted to talk to you. I thought you might know something."

"No, she hasn't been back since either. But when she picks me up tomorrow morning, I'll ask her what's going on."

"Good idea. Maybe then we'll find out what she was doing for half an hour."

In fact, Catherine didn't went to the hospital again. This confirmed to Steve that something was really wrong.

When Catherine came to pick him up the next morning, she seemed withdrawn. She barely said a word and avoided looking directly at Steve. The two drove to headquarters and sat down in the office. Because Steve had no interest in sitting around at home and doing nothing. At least he could try to find a lead to Victor or the drug dealer in the office. But once Steve sat in the office with Catherine, he couldn't take it anymore. He just had to know what was going on. Steve felt he had given her enough time to confide in him like that.

"Catherine, what happened?"


"I just noticed that you seem kind of closed off. You try to avoid eye contact with me and you hardly ever talk. And from this I conclude that something is wrong. So, what's up ?"

"I'm just tired. Otherwise is nothing. Really."



"Okay, if you say so."

Steve left it at this conversation. He knew Catherine was hiding something and obviously didn't want to talk about it. However, Steve still hoped she would tell him without question.

Unfortunately, that hope went nowhere. Catherine continued to hardly speak a word to Steve or anyone else all day. She just sat quietly and did her job. At the moment, this consisted of going through all the traffic cameras and seeing if maybe someone was giving drugs to another person in the background or something like that. Because they had already tried everything else and unfortunately without success.

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