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"Unfortunately, I can't give you the all-clear yet. We're still operating on him and there were complications. Explaining them would be too complicated and would take too long. I'll be honest with you, I can't say for sure he'll make it, but at the moment things are looking good given the circumstances. We're really doing our best and I'll let you know if there's anything new."

Then he went back to the operating rooms. Everyone was relieved that Steve was still alive, but the concern wasn't really any less than before.

Catherine closed her eyes and drifted away in thought. She remembered the many moments she had spent with Steve.

"Steve, what the hell are you doing, calling me on a secure line?"

"Steve, what the hell are you doing, calling me on a secure line?"

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"I told your CO that I was gravely wounded in battle. Which is actually half true."

"Are you all right?"

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"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. But, look, it's not the reason I'm calling. I've been invited to the Army-Navy Gala, next month at West Point. Presuming I can get Stateside for it in time... I was just wondering if... wondering if you'd like to be my plus-one."

"Well, you know, that depends. Will you be able-bodied enough to dance with me ?"

"I'll hit the dance floor on crutches if I have to. Just to eliminate any confusion, this is not...We wouldn't be going as friends. This is me... asking you out. On a date... Catherine ? Hello ?"

„Yeah, um, yeah. Question for you. What took you so long ?"

„Let's just say I took some good advice from an old friend."


"I know this isn't how you pictured your 48-hour vacation."


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