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Then an idea came to him. He could call Joe. The guy wouldn't have noticed that number.

"Steve, what's going on?"

"Hey Joe. I need your help. Someone kidnapped Catherine."

"What do you need?"

That's what Steve liked about Joe. He was always willing to help and never asked stupid questions.

"Get to the Kaena Point parking lot as soon as you can. Bring a sniper rifle and I'll meet you there and tell you what it's about."

"Okay, I'm on my way. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Steve didn't even want to know how Joe got hold of a sniper rifle so quickly. But that didn't matter now. All that mattered was saving Catherine. Arriving at the parking lot, Steve got out and looked around. From here it was still about 400 meters to Kaena Point. So no one around here would see him talking to Joe. Then Joe drove up and got out.

"So what should I do?"

"You can back me up. I'm supposed to come alone and unarmed. So you should position yourself a few meters away in the bushes. Only shoot when absolutely necessary. I want the guy alive."

"Got it. It's not the first time I've got your back."

"Joe. Thank you for being here. It really means a lot to me."

"No problem, let's go. He's probably already waiting for you."

So Steve got back in his car and drove down the path. Joe ran after him and when he was almost there he hid in the bushes where he had a good view.

When Steve stopped and got out, he was standing a few feet in front of the man. Catherine was standing next to him and another man behind her had his attention immediately. He pressed a gun into Catherine's side. The man began to speak.

"Nice that you came. And it looks like you played by the rules. Good."

"Will you finally tell me what this is actually about?"

"First of all, my name is Victor. That might mean nothing to you. But I'm sure you know my late wife. Eris."

"I can't remember her."

"Oh, really? Funny, considering you murdered her."

"But I don't even know her."

"Maybe I should give you a hand. You killed her a few weeks ago. Inside a warehouse on Makaloa Street. Your dear friend Wo Fat was kind enough to tell me about it."

Then Steve knew who Victor meant. Wo Fat's assistant who administered the drugs to him while he was kidnapped.

"Listen Victor, I didn't have a choice. Otherwise your wife would have killed me."

"Oh, and that's why you just kill her?! I loved her!"

"I'm sorry."

Steve somehow tried to deescalate the situation. Because Victor could give the sign to shoot Catherine at any moment. Steve really wanted to prevent that.

"It doesn't matter. But I don't want to be like that. I offer you a trade. Your wife can go and you surrender and come with me."

Then Catherine intervened.

"Don't do it, Steve! No way!"

She was hit against her head for this comment. She fell sideways for a moment, but then stood up again. Steve didn't like what was going on here. But he wanted to protect Catherine.

"Let her go! I accept your trade."

Victor smiled contentedly and motioned for his helper to untie Catherine's handcuffs. He complied with the request and then pushed her forward. She ran up to Steve, who hugged her briefly and then gave her the car keys. Catherine looked at him worried.

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