Nightmare or reality

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Then everything was quiet.

The shock lasted briefly until Catherine ran to the girl who had been hit by the bullet. She checked her pulse and couldn't believe it.

The girl was dead.

Catherine knew they had failed. It was an indescribably horrible feeling. How could this happen? What did they do wrong? It could have turned out differently. Now the girl was dead and it was their fault. For Catherine, the news of Billy's death had been bad enough, but seeing an innocent young girl die like this was even worse.

Danny was now pulling Catherine away from the girl. He felt the same way. But it was better if Catherine didn't see the girl further.

The others had called ambulances to check on the other girls.

After a few minutes, the ambulances arrived. Catherine stood a little apart and was looking out into the night. So Danny felt compelled to tell Steve about it, which is why he called him.

Steve answered immediately. He couldn't sleep anyway, not only because of this dream but also because of the slight worry about Catherine.

"Hey Danny, are you alright?"

"No, not really."

The voice Danny spoke in was familiar to Steve. Danny always used this when he was worried or afraid.

"Danny, what's going on? Has something happened to Catherine?"

"No, not directly. Listen, so how do I say this. Something went wrong. We were able to take out all the guys, but the last one fired an uncontrolled shot and a girl got hit... She is dead."

Steve heard that Danny was finding it incredibly difficult to talk about. Which he could absolutely understand. He had to deal with it himself.

"Oh man, that's awful. But not your fault. Unfortunately, this can happen during an operation like this. So what did you mean by not directly? Is Catherine injured?"

Steve was really worried. What if she got shot too and Danny didn't tell him directly because it was too hard for him?

"No, she isn't. Don't worry. But I think she needs you now. It is very close to her, you should talk to her. I also think she blames herself."

"Yes, I'll come right away. thank you for calling me But tell me, how are you?"

"I'm trying to process it somehow. But I can't get that image out of my head and I have to think what if it was Grace? And how am I supposed to break this news to the girl's parents?"

"Danny, listen to me. It's never easy. But you can do it. And remember more that you saved many girls today. That's the main thing."

"Yes, but it should have been different."

"But you can't do anything about it now. Forgive yourself and take care of the other girls. I'm leaving now, see you soon."


Steve quickly got into his car and drove off. He could imagine how Catherine was feeling now. And he wanted to be with her to support her.

Kono, meanwhile, went over to Helen, who strictly refused to come to the hospital.

"Hey, please leave us alone for a moment."

"All right."

The paramedics went to the others.

"How are you ?"

"I don't know... I feel lost. Left alone in hell on earth."

"You don't need to fell like that. We're here for you. You will get through this bad time."

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