Really a day off ?

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Steve sat there for a while until Catherine came to him.

"You're up early."

"I couldn't sleep."

"Because of the case, right?"

"Yes. I just can't get over the fact that we're just not making any progress and more people are dying."

"Hey, that'll be fine. Like I said last night. We'll solve the case. But today you should try to relax a bit, okay ?"

"You're right. I just don't know if I can."

"Well, we'll see. But you are not alone. I'm with you."

"Thanks Cath."

"I'd say we'll have breakfast together and then go for a hike. What about that ?"

"Sounds good."

Then the doorbell rang. Steve started to get up when Catherine stopped him.

"Stay seated. I'm going."

When Catherine opened the front door, four men suddenly stood in front of her. Before she could really react, she was tasered. She fell unconscious to the ground.

Steve heard the noise and immediately ran inside.


When Steve entered through the patio door, he saw Catherine lying on the ground and wanted to run to her. But he hadn't noticed the man who was standing on the wall next to the patio door and was now turning him off with the taser.

When Catherine regained consciousness, she first looked around. She was still at home, tied to a chair and across from her, about 1-2 meters away, was Steve tied to a chair as well. However, he was unconscious and Catherine could clearly see blood on his face. Then Victor walked from the kitchen to them in the living room. The other 3 men followed him and spread out in the room. Victor went to Catherine and knelt in front of her.

"There you are again, Lieutenant. I've already had a conversation with Steve, but he wasn't the most talkative. So we sent him to dreamland for the time being. Maybe you'd rather talk to us."

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing special. He'll be with us again in a few minutes. But now I have some questions for you. And I would be interested to know if you know where Wo Fat's father is."

"No, I don't know, and Steve doesn't know either."

"He insisted on that. I just don't believe him. Wo Fat was kind enough to tell me all about it. Also how stubborn both of you, but especially Steve, can be. That's why I will ask you again. And then you have a few minutes to think carefully about your answer. Because after that the nice and friendly atmosphere here is finally over. So think about where Yao Fat is."

Then Victor went into the kitchen with one of the men and discussed something with him.

Shortly thereafter, Steve regained consciousness. He had a bad headache and didn't feel well at all. His vision was blurry and he was having trouble staying awake at all. Then he remembered the last few minutes. Victor was back and had asked him about Wo Fat's father, hit him and then given him an injection of some kind. That was probably the reason for his current condition. Steve concentrated and his vision became a little clearer. He recognized Catherine sitting in front of him and saw that she was awake.

"Catherine, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

Of course, Victor came back because he heard the two of them talking.

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