It's getting serious

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"I'm aware of that. But Steve will find out sooner or later."

"Then make sure that doesn't happen!"

The man then turned and walked away quickly. Catherine made her way back inside. She felt caught in a quandary. Somehow she could only lose. If she kept trying to avoid Steve so he wouldn't find out what was going on, he would think it had something to do with him after all and that she might not love him anymore. But if she didn't avoid him, Steve would soon find out and the guys did what they threatened to do. And that just couldn't happen. Ultimately, she decided not to avoid Steve so much anymore. But still staying a little closed lest he find out what was going on. All of this put Catherine under enormous stress. Because if these men carried out their threat, her live would never be the same again.

Catherine went back inside and joined Steve and Kono, who were just discussing their next steps.

"No, Kono. I would rather say that from now on we will leave the HPD out and investigate on our own. Then we can be sure that nobody will pass on information."

Catherine stood at the computer desk and tried to listen properly. But that's getting harder and harder for her. The lack of sleep of the last 3 nights and the enormous stress took their toll. It was becoming increasingly difficult for Catherine to follow Steve's words. His voice grew quieter and sooner or later her legs sagged. Steve had already noticed that Catherine seemed very absent and was leaning on the computer desk convulsively. When she actually fell, he reacted quickly and caught her before she could hit the ground. So Steve knelt on the floor for a moment with Catherine in his arms. She hadn't really lost consciousness, but had only been gone for a very short time and was now a bit dazed. Kono was quite surprised and it took a few seconds for her to break out of her shock.

"Steve, should I call an ambulance?"

At that moment Chin and Danny entered the hall and when they saw Steve kneeling there with Catherine they ran to them. Danny looked questioningly at Steve.

"What the hell happened here?"

"No idea. I was just able to catch Catherine when she suddenly fell over."

Then Catherine intervened again.

"Kono, you don't need to call an ambulance."

"Cath, how are you?"

"I'm okay."

Catherine tried to get up, but it didn't work very well, as she felt severe dizziness and a headache as soon as she tried to get up. However, with Steve's help, she managed to do it. Everyone was looking worriedly at Catherine the whole time. She was still holding on to the table so as not to fall over. Steve was right next to her.

"Cath, come with me. I will drive you home."

At first she wanted to protest, but then she didn't. After all, she really wasn't feeling well and if that happened again Steve would definitely drag her to the doctor and she really didn't want to do that. So Catherine tried to move. But after a few steps she held on to Steve because the severe dizziness was back immediately. Steve had already guessed that and without further ado took Catherine in his arms with ease.

"Hey, what's that supposed to be?"

"If you don't want to fall over on the way to the car, you're going to have to accept that."

"Okay, fine."

So Steve carried Catherine all the way out of the building and all the way to the car. The others looked after them and Kono explained to Danny and Chin what she had just discussed with Steve. On the drive, Steve kept glancing over at Catherine, who was leaning her head against the window and looking ahead. He thought a lot about what was going on and why she didn't confide in him. This secrecy was getting to be too much for him. He just wanted to help her.

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