Forgiveness and new problem

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Steve and Catherine's Car:

Catherine looked over at Steve, who hadn't said a word during the drive.

"Steve, is something on your mind? I mean except Wo Fat."

"Well, I just can't forgive Danny, I have to think about that. He just kept such incredibly important information from me."

"Yes, but look at it from a different perspective. Wasn't he right in his fears? You found out about Wo Fat and you are only focused on him instead of taking care of your health."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I think you should forgive Danny. He wanted to prevent exactly what you are doing now. He's your friend and he just wanted to protect you."

There was a brief silence as Steve considered what to do.

"Okay, you're right. When we get home I'll call him."

When they got to Steve's house, they got out and went inside. Catherine took a shower while Steve picked up his cell phone and called Danny. He probably hadn't looked at his cell phone, but simply answered it because he reported his rank.

"Detective Williams."

"Hey Danny, it's Steve."

Danny was audibly surprised, he hadn't expected Steve to speak to him at all in the next few days.

"Hey Steve, what's up?"

"I wanted to apologize for freaking out like that. You just wanted to help me and I did the wrong thing. I am really sorry."

"That's fine. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have kept that from you. And I didn't mean it like that about your father. I was just angry at that moment and it just kind of slipped out of me."

"I understand that. And I forgive you too. Let's just forget about it and pretend it never happened."

"Good idea. Speaking of which, how's the proposal for Catherine going?"

"All right, I picked up the ring the day before yesterday and just waiting for the right opportunity."

"Sounds good. And how are your ribs?"

"Pretty good, I guess."

"Well, if you can put it that way. Are the painkillers at least helping?"

"Yes, it only pinches slightly. So everything is fine."

"It was clear that you would answer something like that. Listen, I have to cook for Grace and me now, but let's talk tomorrow."

"Okay, bye."


Then Catherine came down the stairs. She had probably picked up the habit of taking a quick shower from Steve.

"So, have you spoken to Danny?"

"Yes, we spoke out and decided to pretend it didn't happen."


"Are you hungry?"

"I'm starving."

"Well, what do you want? I'll order us something."

"Indian sounds good."


So Steve ordered the food.

"Be there in an hour. How about we go for a little walk on the beach in the meantime?"

"Yes gladly."

Catherine still had no idea what Steve had planned. But he was sure that he had now found the right opportunity.

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