Mysterious call

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The seconds felt like hours to Catherine before the all-clear sounded.

"He's breathing again!"

Catherine was relieved at first. Now he just had to keep going.

Nothing happened on the further journey to the hospital.

Once there, Steve was taken away and Catherine once again had to sit in the waiting room. The others joined shortly after. No one said anything as everyone was lost in thought.

Especially Catherine. She couldn't get the moment out of her head when Steve had a cardiac arrest. Losing him always seemed a long way off. But because of this moment today, this thought wasn't so surreal anymore and that was frightening. She really wished Wo Fat was dead. Then they would no longer have to fear that he would harm them. Because Catherine definitely didn't want to sit here again in the near future.

After 3 hours, doctor Kahale came to them. Everyone looked at him curiously.

"Well, Commander McGarrett is stable so far. As you probably already know, he was tortured. He had water in his lungs and burns on his upper body. Otherwise he has many bruises and two of his already bruised ribs are broken. These led to a tension Pneumothorax, which is why we had to operate on him quickly. He has also received a not inconsiderable amount of various drugs. Hallucinogens, tranquilizers and truth serums, among others. All of this puts a significant strain on the body. Hence the cardiac arrest. But we have everything under control now so that I can give you the all-clear. He'll get through it and he'll be healthy again."

A great sense of relief went through the room.

"Can we go to him?"

"Yes, I'll take you there."

So they all followed doctor Kahale until he stopped in front of a room and let them in.

"I'll leave you alone now. But not so many are allowed to stay here. Best just 1 or 2 of you because he really needs to wake up in a quiet environment."

Then he left the room. Catherine sat down next to Steve and the others gathered around his bed.

Then Lou came along. He had helped put Wo Fat in prison.

"Hey guys, how is he?"

Danny answered him.

"Well, he's been through a lot. But he will be fine."

Lou was relieved too.

"Good. So the CIA arranged for Wo Fat to be put on a plane to the mainland tomorrow morning and taken to a maximum security prison there."

"It's good. As long as that bastard isn't on the island anymore."

It didn't take long for Chin, Kono and Lou to leave. Catherine and Danny stayed with Steve. Everyone would have liked to stay, but doctor Kahale told them explicitly that unfortunately this was not possible.

Catherine sat silently next to Steve and looked at him. Danny then broke the oppressive silence.

"How are you?"

"I don't know exactly. On the one hand, I'm relieved that Steve is doing better. On the other hand, I'm still concerned about Wo Fat. He will certainly not rest until he has what he wants."

"That may be true, but we will do our best to stop Wo Fat from his plans. We will also make sure that the safety precautions are increased again for him."

"Yes and Steve and I should probably try to avoid ending up in the hospital."

"That would be a measure. But with this Neanderthal here, it won't be long until next time, believe me."

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