Rescue ?

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Adam stormed into headquarters. And that, even with good news.

"Hey guys! I think I know where Wo Fat is! Anthony Shu bought several chain cleaning operations from one of our companies a few years ago. They're all closed today except one on Makaloa Street."

This information was enough for the team. They had no other lead. So they set off.

But just as Catherine was about to get into her car, she was hit from behind. Danny had just started the engine when he saw this. He immediately jumped out of the car and ran towards the man.

"Hands up! Step back now!"

Meanwhile, the others came too. They hadn't noticed until Danny called out "Hands up".

Chin and Lou took the guy to the interrogation room at HQ.

Danny and Kono were with Catherine.

"Catherine. Hey, can you hear us?"

It took Catherine a moment, but she regained consciousness.

"What happened?"

"A guy knocked you down. But we have him in custody. He's in our interrogation room. You're okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. We have to rescue Steve."

She must been just as stubborn as Steve when it came to each other, Danny thought. They took care of the guy later.

Now they were finally driving to this facility.

Steve's location:

As Wo Fat walked out of the room, Steve could hear this woman filling a syringe again. He decided to fight back now. Because right now he had a halfway clear mind, which he didn't want to lose again so quickly.

As the woman stood right behind him to give him the injection, he jerked his head back and hit it backwards. The woman stumbled backwards, but Steve also fell backwards with his chair. He quickly untied his bonds, but had to get up half tied to the chair because the woman attacked him.

But she wasn't very good in combat, which made it a lot easier for Steve. He knocked the syringe out of her hand and kicked her backwards, giving him time to untie one more of the four restraints.

Because the woman was already on him again and now caught Steve with a violent kick, which made him fall over, but also pulled her along.

On the ground, Steve quickly used one of the restraints and slipped it around the woman's neck, tying it as tight as he could. It wasn't long before the woman was dead.

Steve wondered what to do now. Of course his first thought was to get away, but Wo Fat was still somewhere nearby and definitely not alone. Also, he had to somehow prevent Wo Fat from harming Catherine. So Steve quickly came up with a plan.

First he broke a water pipe and drank something. Then he set up the chair and a bucket and sat the woman on the bucket with the help of a broomstick. Next, he got Wo Fat's electric baton and sat in the chair. Now he just had to wait for Wo Fat to come back.

After a while he came back. Steve could hear him slowly approaching and stepping into the puddle on the floor. Immediately, Steve lifted his feet and dipped the baton into the water. Wo Fat was thrown to the ground.

Shortly thereafter, Steve threw the electric baton away, stood up and quickly held the woman's corpse in front of him as Wo Fat shot him. So the bullets didn't hit him.

Steve approached Wo Fat and fought with him. He managed to knock the guns out of Wo Fat's hands. The two fought without mercy. Steve had to take a lot as he was still weak from all those drugs. But Wo Fat didn't get off scot-free either.

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