In the hands of the enemy

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At HQ:

Catherine entered the headquarters and saw Danny, Chin and Lou packing up the equipment.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Catherine. Where's Steve ?"

"He can't join us until later as he has his last appointment at the hospital."

"And he seriously went there?"

"Well, he didn't want to. But when I asked him to, he gave in."

Now Catherine stepped closer to the others.

"Oh, and one more thing."

She held out her hand to the others. Lou was the first to say what everyone was thinking.

"Is that what I think?"

"Yes." Catherine beamed with delight.

Kono kept asking.

"When did he ask you?"

"Last night."

"Finally." Danny said.

"You knew about it?"

"Yes, he let me in on it."

Kono then walked up to Catherine and hugged her.

"I am so happy for you."

"Thanks, Kono."

The others also congratulated Catherine. But they didn't have much time because they had to go. Kono and Chin got Sang Min out of prison while the others drove to the agreed location: a warehouse near Sand Island.

45 minutes later:

Kono and Chin arrived with Sang Min and went to the others. Lou met Sang Min for the first time and was accordingly unprepared for him.

"Does that jump out at me or is that his hair?"

"Oh that, that's his hairstyle."

"Thought the guy dressed up as Pocahontas."

Sang Min just made a stupid comment again.

"You must have been in the sun too long, McGarrett."

"He's a real joker."

Danny introduced the two to each other.

"Sang Min, this is Captain Grover. He's one of us now too. So he can hit you and knock your teeth out if you don't behave."

Sang Min stepped closer to Grover and looked deep into his eyes.

"I'm curious what you can do."

Danny held him back.

"Easy, Buddy."

Then he turned to Catherine and stood with her a little apart from the others.

"Has Steve written yet?"

"No, but his appointment is only just beginning. But I let him know where we are."

"All right, because we have to get started now."

So they did, and everything went according to plan. Sang Min spoke to Johnny Moreau as the team positioned themselves in the warehouse and listened to their conversation.

 Sang Min spoke to  Johnny Moreau as the team positioned themselves in the warehouse and  listened to their conversation

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