Close to the truth

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Steve sped through the streets trying to drop the HPD behind them. He managed to gain more and more distance and when the opportunity came, Steve quickly turned right into an alley and from there on to the safe house that Joe had organized. The HPD officers hadn't reacted quickly enough and by the time they pulled through the alley Steve, Catherine and Danny were gone.

Arriving at the appropriate house, Steve and Catherine got out and went inside. Danny drove away with the car so the HPD couldn't find them. Inside the house, Steve and Catherine sat down in the living room to sort of talk things out.

"So Steve, are you going to tell me why you think I'm innocent?"

"Yes. You know I don't trust you 100 percent right now, and you know my reasons why. But I know you very well and I'm sure you would never murder anyone in cold blood. And that's why I won't let you go to prison even though you're innocent."

"Thank you for believing in me."

"So, will you perhaps finally tell me what happened in the half hour, that ended up like this?"

"I'm sorry, but I still can't tell you."

"All right. Maybe it will come to that. Oh by the way, this is for you."

Steve held out a new cell phone to Catherine.

"Since I threw yours out the car window, I guess you need a new one. So you can make calls without the HPD being able to locate you. Joe prepared this. The old contacts are on it."


"You have to thank Joe for that. He made all of this possible in such a short amount of time."

"Okay. But thank you for supporting me."

"I owe you that."


At that moment, Catherine's cell phone rang.

"Sorry, I have to answer that."

Catherine quickly went into an adjoining room and closed the door behind her. Because Steve was not allowed to overhear anything from this conversation.

"Yes ?"

"We have another task for you."

"That might be difficult to do since I'm wanted by the HPD because of you and could end up in prison."

"Well, then you should think about something as soon as possible. Because in case you don't know, a man named Jason Harris bought drugs and survived. He is now in the hospital and should wake up soon. So he's a witness who jeopardizes our entire business. So he needs to be gotten out of the way. That will be your job."

"I will certainly not murder anyone for you."

"You have no choice. You have 4 hours. If he's not dead by then, well, you know exactly what's going to happen."

What Catherine didn't know was that Steve had cloned this new phone before giving it to her. It hadn't been an easy decision, but he didn't know how else to get to the truth. And that phone call that Steve overheard brought him a big step closer to the truth. He now knew that Catherine was probably being blackmailed and therefore didn't speak to him. He didn't yet know what these people were blackmailing Catherine with, but he would find out. Steve quickly put the phone away as Catherine re-entered the room. Steve acted like he still didn't know.

"Cath, are you okay?"

"Yes. That was just my mother. She wanted to hear how I was doing. If you don't mind, I would go to the bedroom and rest. I am really tired."

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