Who is behind all this ?

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After a moment's thought, Danny had an idea.

"Let's interview Ava Richmond's neighbors. Maybe someone saw something that can help us."

So they drove to Ava's house and questioned their neighbors. Everyone picked a house. An old lady opened the door for Danny.

"Aloha. Can I help you?"

"Aloha, well I hope you can. Did you know Ava Richmond, who lived across the street from here?"

"Yes of course. She's a nice woman. Sometimes I bring her cookies or flowers. Why do you actually want to know that?"

"Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you that. Ava Richmond was murdered and we're hoping you may have seen something unusual that could help us track down the killer."

"Oh, what a pity. She really was such a nice and polite woman. I will miss her." The woman didn't say more, so Danny had to ask again. He was visibly uncomfortable because he didn't want to press the woman any further. But he had no other choice.

"So, did you notice anything?"

"Um, well this morning around 6:00 a.m. a man was with her, just like 5 minutes I guess."

"Good, can you describe him?"

"Yes, he was Japanese, I think. Black hair and he was wearing a black suit."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to send a police draftsman to do an identikit for you. We may be able to identify him that way."

"Of course."

"Thanks. Goodbye."

"Aloha and have a nice day."

So Danny went and met Chin and Kono in front of Ava's house. Danny was the only one who had succeeded. The other neighbors hadn't noticed anything. They got a police draftsman, went to HQ and waited for the identikit. This was their only lead at the moment, because no traces of the house had been found.

In the Hospital:

Doctor Kahale went to Steve's room to check on him. What he saw pleased him.

"Hello, Commander. I actually wanted to see how you're doing, but I can see you're doing quite well." Catherine was still lying against Steve and was sleeping peacefully. That cute scene just put a smile on the doctor's face.

"Yes, everything is fine."

"Well, that's not how I would describe your condition. And whether you like it or not, you have to stay here for another week to rule out any possible after-effects of the poison. In fact, it would be better if you stayed longer. But you wouldn't do that anyway."

"You're right about that and to be honest I won't be staying another week either, at most 2 days just so you know."

"Listen, Commander, it may seem unnecessary to you, but it isn't. You almost died from the poison and poisoning has consequences. In addition, your test results will only be fully evaluated in 3 days. Before that, you really can't leave under any circumstances. Because if these tests go badly, that could still be a risk for you, or even if you still have some of the toxin in your body, the only way we can help you is if you stay here." Steve exhaled audibly.

"All right, three days. But no longer. And if you don't agree, I'll call the governor."

"Well, on one condition."

"Which would be?"

"You must come to us immediately if you feel worse or if you get dizzy. That's not funny. Did you understand that?"


So went doctor Kahale out of the room. He's never had patients like that before. How could someone be so stubborn?

Catherine woke up meanwhile, having heard someone talking. She sat up and looked questioningly at Steve.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Dr. Kahale. He said I have to stay 3 more days until my test results are evaluated."

"How did you persuade him?"

"What do you mean?"

"I realize that after an incident like this you would have to stay longer than 3 days and you always try to leave earlier. So tell me."

"Well, maybe he meant a week, but we agreed that I can go in 3 days and come back immediately if I get worse."

"Typical you."

At HQ:

The team got the finished identikit. Kono chased it through facial recognition. It took a while, but then there was a hit.

"Hit! Aiko Yamamoto. Has lived on Oahu for 10 years. Before that, there's very little about him other than that he's from Osaka and has served a couple of jail sentences for assault, theft and armed robbery. He was also the prime suspect in a murder, but the case was dropped due to insufficient evidence. He doesn't have an apartment here, but a room in the Hilton."

"Ava Richmond worked at the Hilton. Possibly she was commissioned by him there to kill Steve. Then maybe Ava watched Steve and took the opportunity. Because getting to Steve like that is pretty hard. Do you have his room number?"

"Yes, room 214."

"Let's go."

They quickly drove to the Hilton. When they entered the hotel and got to the 6th floor, they saw Yamamoto coming out of his room. He spotted Danny, Chin and Kono and immediately ran towards the emergency exit. The team gave chase. He ran through the emergency exit, down the stairs, onto the street. However, he wasn't particularly fast and so Kono was able to catch him shortly afterwards.

They arrested him and took him to the headquarters' interrogation room. Danny tried to get him to talk.

"Why did they kill Ava Richmond? So she doesn't chatter? Come on, talk already!" Because this was for Steve's safety, Danny wasn't as calm as usual. He just wanted to beat him up until he talked. But he got only one answer.

"She deserved it and now I want a lawyer." While this was a confession, it only settled the question of who murdered Ava Richmond. And by no means why and what all this had to do with Steve. Danny also didn't think Yamamoto was who they were looking for. There was definitely a backer.

"I'm asking for the last time. Who the hell hired you ?!" Now he was really close to losing his temper. Chin opened the door and motioned for Danny to come over to him. Danny did the same and thus closed the door of the interrogation room for the time being.

"So what do you have?"

"We checked his phone. He only had contact with one number, which we could not trace back. But the good news: this number left the answering machine once. Kono was able to recover this message. We were able to assign the voice. You won't believe who owns it."

"Who ?"

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