Unexpected visit

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This also woke Catherine up.

"What's going on?"

"Something's downstairs."

"No, no, there is nothing. Lay down again."

But then they both heard noises from downstairs again. Catherine immediately jumped out of bed and pulled out her gun. Steve didn't think that was great.

"Hey. What's that supposed to be ?"

"Well, someone's down there."

"That's why you stay up here where it's safe."

"Don't be a caveman. I'll go down with you."

"No you will not."

"Then you just go down with me."

And already Catherine went out of the bedroom.

"Hey, Cath, listen to me."

Steve followed her and caught her arm before she went down the stairs.

"Hey, let me go first."

So Steve ran ahead, down the stairs. Then they proceeded cautiously and found what they were looking for in the study. There were two men in dark clothing standing there. They rummaged around in the drawers and cupboards.

"Hey, hands up!"

The men slowly raised their hands. But behind Steve and Catherine were two more men who Steve noticed before they reached them. He turned in a flash and parried an attack with a knife. Catherine took care of the other man. But so they could no longer keep the first two men in check.

They got up quickly and attacked Steve and Catherine as well. Steve was able to put the first one out of action with a well-aimed blow to the head. Catherine was less fortunate. Just as she blocked a punch, she was tasered from behind. She fell to the ground. Steve saw this and was now even more angry at these burglars. He fought even more aggressively and almost knocked out the next guy when he was tasered from behind. When Steve also went down, the three men dragged their unconscious partner out of the house and into their car.

After about 20 minutes Steve woke up again. He had an incredibly bad headache and slowly sat up. To his right he saw Catherine lying. He immediately shook her awake.

"Catherine, hey!"

Catherine slowly woke up and wanted to get up.

"Cath, slow down. Getting tasered is not easy."

Steve got up first, then helped Catherine up and seated her in the chair. Steve then got two ice packs and held one out for Catherine.

"Here. This helps."


Thereupon Steve sat down opposite her on the couch.

"Do you have any idea who they were or what they were after?"

"No, Cath, not at all. I'll call forensics now, maybe they'll find something."

And 30 minutes later, the house was swarming with HPD officers. The whole Five-0 team was there too, of course, and Danny got upset again.

"Honestly, this only happens to you, Steven. Remember our fishing trip that ended in a boat hijacking and shark encounter? I already told you that you are a magnet for danger!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that? I couldn't tell he had a gun and he was in trouble. And I couldn't do anything for the tiger shark either."

"That's what you say. But this is proof that I was right at the time. But just tell me now, what did these people want from you?"

"Well, no idea. I can't explain it, but hopefully forensics will find something."

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