Back in the Hospital

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She jumped out of bed and ran out of the room, down the stairs. Catherine was so scared right now because Steve wasn't in bed and she was afraid she'd find him collapsed again downstairs.
But her fear was unfounded. When she got to the kitchen, she saw Steve. He stood at the stove and made breakfast.
"Good morning Cath. I'm sorry if I woke you up. I just dropped something."
"Good morning. No, it's okay. Are you feeling better ?"
"Yes. I'm doing well."
But Steve just didn't want to worry Catherine. He was dizzy again and even worse than yesterday. However, he had no interest in lying around at home any longer.
"We can eat in 10 minutes."
"Sounds good."
Suddenly Steve's cell phone rang. He answered immediately.
2 minutes later he ended the call again.
"Okay, we'll be right there... Catherine, we have to go. There's a hostage situation at the Hawaiian National Bank."
"Stop. You stay here and I'll go there."
"No, I'll go there too. I don't have to go to the hospital until this afternoon, so let's go."
So he went out to the car. Catherine followed him and got into the car with him. On the way to the bank, Steve tried to reassure her.
"Hey Cath. I won't try too hard."
"You know, I would believe you if you'd stayed in the house."
"I promise I won't do anything special. But I'm not going to let Danny be in charge."
"Fine, but no matter how long this case might get, you're going to the hospital for your appointment afterwards."
"Yes I will."
At the Hawaiian National Bank:

"At the Hawaiian National Bank:

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Steve and Catherine got out. The others were already there, as well as a SWAT team led by Lou Grover.The two went to Danny, Chin and Kono, casually putting on their body armor.
"Okay, what do we know?" Steve got straight to the point.
"According to witnesses, two armed men stormed into the bank. But we don't know much more because the surveillance cameras are broken." Kono replied.
"Do we have thermal imaging?"
"Yes, here." Kono hands Steve a tablet.
"Looks like the hostages are all on the floor in the foyer and the one person walking there must be one of the perpetrators. Good, I have a plan."
Steve handed the tablet back to Kono.
"Well, first we should..."
He didn't get any further because Kono interrupted him.
"Steve! There's someone else. The two run to the wall that leads into the next building!"
"They probably want to blast their way out to escape. We have to stop them."
Shortly thereafter, a hole was blasted in the wall. At the same moment, Steve, Danny, Catherine, Chin and Kono ran into the bank with the SWAT team behind them.
"Catherine, Danny! You come with me after the guys. The rest of you take care of the hostages!"
The next building was quite large, so the two men quickly ran to the furthest emergency exit to escape the HPD outside.
Steve, Danny and Catherine were close behind them.

However, Steve kept falling behind. He was so dizzy that he couldn't see clearly. And he was breathing very badly. So he didn't notice the branch in front of him on the road and tripped over it. Then he lay motionless on the floor.

Danny and Catherine didn't notice, because they focused entirely on the men in front of them. And they caught them 2 minutes later.
It was then that Catherine noticed that Steve wasn't there.
"Danny, Steve's gone!"
Danny first turned in all directions, but there was nothing to be seen of his partner.
"OK. We go back the way and hand over these two here to the HPD. Then we'll look for him."
But they could save themselves the search. Shortly before the building through which the perpetrators had escaped, they saw Steve. Catherine handed the man over to Danny and ran to Steve.
She checked his pulse.
"Danny, his pulse is weak!" She quickly called an ambulance.
Meanwhile, Danny handed the perpetrators over to HPD. Then Danny, Kono and Chin were with Steve and Catherine.She sat worried next to Steve and hoped that the ambulance would come soon.The ambulance came within 5 minutes.Paramedics got Steve into the ambulance and put an oxygen mask on him. After that they drove off to the hospital. Catherine drove with them again. She was incredibly worried. She just couldn't lose Steve.In the hospital:Steve had been in the treatment room for 10 minutes. Catherine was now sitting in the waiting room with the others. Danny started talking to Catherine again because she blamed herself.
"I shouldn't have let him come with me and should have stopped him from running after them. Then this would not have happened here."
"Hey Catherine. It's not your fault. Wait and see what the doctor says, maybe yesterday's collapse wasn't the reason for this."An hour later Doctor Kahale came to them.
"How is he?" Catherine asked directly without greeting the doctor.
"It was very close in between, but he'll be healthy again. And this has nothing to do with yesterday. The reason for this was poison."
"He was poisoned ?"
"Yes and if you had come 20 minutes later it would have been too late."
"Can we go to him?"
"Yes of course. I'll take you to his room."

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