What are we doing now ?

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Catherine quickly walked the streets, looking in all directions. But only after about 5 minutes did she discover Helen.

She sat on a bench and stared towards the sea. Catherine went to her and sat down next to her.

"Why did you run away?"

"I just can't go with you and forget my father."

"Nobody asks for that. We are not forcing you to accept our help and as Steve said, you should think of your father every day and not forget him."

"I...I just don't know what to do with myself. Everything was always so easy with my father, he was there for me. But now..."

"Hey, we can do that. You have to know, I dated your father for 3 years. And he was there for me too."

"Why did you break up?"

"Well, it just didn't fit anymore. But we were still good friends to this day. That's why I know how you feel. I miss him too."

"Okay, I get you, really. But with all due respect, I can't just rely on strangers like that."

"I understand that. I just thought I'd do Billy a favor. You wouldn't believe how many times he's saved my life."

"That's really nice of you, but I need some more time to come to terms with all of this." "Okay, we'll find a solution. But we should go back now. I need to check on Steve."

"Why, what about him?"

"I'll explain all that to you later, but very briefly: He's been through a lot lately, including worse injuries and he's not doing so well right now."

Helen looked confused at Catherine, but quickly moved on with her.


Steve was having trouble breathing and his ribs hurt so bad he could barely move. "Doctor Kahale was probably right after all", Steve thought to himself.

He just managed to walk a few steps to the right, where he could brace himself against a house wall. Each breath burned like fire in his lungs and slowly his vision blurred. He had his left hand on his ribs and picked it up when he felt something wet. Blood. It was clear to him what had happened, the seam of the operation had probably torn. Steve had to admit that it probably would have been better to stay in the hospital after all.

Suddenly he heard a familiar voice behind him.


He wanted to turn around, but then the strength that had kept him on his feet gave up. Steve slid down the wall of the house and hit his head against the wall.

Catherine saw this and was with Steve less than 5 seconds later. He was still conscious and was holding his hand against his ribs. Catherine was very worried and immediately wanted to take him to the hospital. But an ambulance took too long for her.

"Steve, stay awake, okay? I get the car."

As if stung by a bee, she ran the few steps to the HPD, where her car was still parked. She quickly got in and drove the short distance to Steve.

She got out, opened the passenger door and went to him. Helen stood a little lost and didn't know what to do.

"Come up, I'll drive you to the hospital."

Catherine grabbed his arms and pulled him up with her. Steve struggled to even get up and into the car. But Catherine had parked as near as possible so it was only a few steps. He sat down and Catherine strapped him in.

Before getting in, she turned to Helen.

"I have to go. Get in or wait in the HPD. I can then call someone from Five-0 to pick you up."

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