An unpleasant surprise

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Disclaimer: All Pictures from Hawaii Five-0 in this story doesn't belong to me. All rights belongs to CBS. I don't make money with this.

The whole ohana is once again sitting at Kamekona's and looking at Chin and Jerry's yearbook. Well, everyone except Steve, who seems kind of absent.
Catherine noticed that.
"Hey Steve, are you alright?"

It takes a few seconds for him to answer, which staggers Catherine. Steve was always so attentive, what was wrong with him?

"What ? Um, yeah, I'm fine, Cath."

But she is not fooled that easily. She briefly apologizes to the others, grabs Steve's arm and stands a little apart from the table to talk to him in peace.

"What's the matter, Cath?"

"I wanted to ask you that and I want an honest answer."

"It's nothing, really."

"I don't believe you, you're so absent the whole time, as if you were on another planet. You can talk to me about anything."

"Okay, listen, I'm just tired from the day, that's all."

He smiled at her encouragingly. But she just didn't buy it, she'd known Steve long enough to know when something was wrong with him.

And she was right, Steve wasn't tired, he had a headache and felt exhausted. Because for days he was plagued by nightmares in which he experienced various bad things. But one dream in particular kept occurring and was hard to endure. In it, Steve relived the mission in North Korea, where his best friend Freddy died, almost in a continuous loop. This bothered and stressed him a lot, because he still blamed himself for his friend's death and wondered what he should have done differently to save him.
So Steve went to the others and said goodbye, he just wanted to go home and rest. Since everyone was still engrossed in the yearbook, no one asked why Steve suddenly left. But then Catherine stood in his way.

"I'll come with you whether you like it or not. I can tell if you're not feeling well and such, I won't let you drive home alone."

Steve sighed, yes he loved her, but sometimes he'd rather be alone. Just trying to talk her out of it now was pointless, because she was at least as stubborn as he was.

"Fine, if it makes you happy. But I drive."

So the two got into the car and drove to Steve's house.
When they got there, they got out of the car and went into the house. Steve only felt worse, he wanted to go to bed as soon as possible. Less than 10 minutes later, he was too. Catherine was lying next to him and was now even more worried, because Steve hadn't spoken a word either in the car or the house. It just wasn't his style. So she fell asleep a little later with a queasy feeling.

4:00 a.m.
Catherine suddenly woke up when she heard a thud from downstairs. She was instantly wide awake and retrieved her gun from the bedside drawer. She noticed that Steve wasn't in bed. Quickly but carefully she walked down the hallway, but couldn't see anyone, it was very quiet. But as she continued toward the kitchen, she could see a figure lying on the floor trough the moonlight...

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