Another mystery

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Catherine's silent wish was granted after a few minutes. Steve woke up. He still felt weird, kind of dazed. When he opened his eyes fully, he thought he was dreaming. His mother was sitting on a chair in the room. He didn't look around any further, which is why he didn't notice Catherine directly.


"Steve. How are you?"

Catherine was also looking at him now and since their beds were next to each other, she took his hand. When Steve noticed Catherine, he turned to her instead of answering his mother.

"Cath, are you alright?"

"Yes, everything is fine. But how are you ?"

"Well, I've been worse. I'm just feeling dazed and have a bad headache. Otherwise okay. But a quick question for you, Doris. What are you doing here ?"

"Well, I saved you."

"What ? How ?"

"I'll tell you that another time. Now, according to the clock, your doctor should come by for a check-up. And since you seem to be doing quite well, I'm going to drive home now. Oh, and this time I'd appreciate it if you actually call me."

Steve was really confused. But Catherine at least enlightened him on how Doris had saved them. After a few minutes, doctor Kahale into the room.

"Glad you're awake, Commander. Are you better ?"


"I was expecting an answer like that. So to keep this short: Lieutenant, you can leave tomorrow. You are only staying here overnight for observation. And you, Commander..."

"Stop. I thought we settled that you don't have to call me Commander anymore."

"Fine Steve. As I was about to say, you have to stay here for at least 2-3 more days. I'm so sorry, but it has to be."

"Why exactly can't I go as early as Catherine? I'm doing well."

"Because, firstly, you have more injuries and secondly, because you are the one who was drugged. So I ask you to follow the rules. You did pretty well last time. So you will probably be able to hold out here for 2 more days."

"Well, it looks like I don't really have a choice."

"You're right. I don't want to bother you any further, but I would like to get rid of one thing. Please, both of you, take care of yourselves. There's a joke about you around this hospital, Steve. And about me, your guardian angel and babysitter, as my colleagues call it. I don't want to see either of you back here."

"We're trying to avoid it. It's just not always that easy. But now everyone who has something against us is in prison. So you could be lucky and get rid of us for now."

"We will..."

Suddenly, the door burst open and Danny, Kono, and Chin burst in with full gear. Danny immediately ran to Steve and Catherine, while Kono and Chin wanted to search the room and the floor again.

"Steve! Catherine! Thank god he's not here. Are you okay?"

Doctor Kahale decided to leave the room and stay out of it. Steve and Catherine looked at each other in confusion. Then Steve looked at Danny and saw the great concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, we're fine Danny. But what's going on?"

"No one was here and nothing was conspicuous?"

"No, everything is normal. Now tell me what's going on."

"Victor is gone."


"The prisoner truck was attacked and Victor was freed. There are no cameras on the corner, so we don't know who freed him and where he is now. We were afraid that he wanted to finish the job and that he came here. But fortunately that doesn't seem to be the case."

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