Happy End ?

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Danny tried to tell Steve as gently as possible.

"She...um...well, she didn't come with us, she is still at the Palace."

"Why? Are you still working on the case? Doctor Kahale was already telling me what little he knew. He said you have Victor."

"Yes we have Victor and we are still working on the case. But that's not the point. When we wanted to drive to you, Catherine just said she couldn't come with us. I don't think she's ready yet because she blames herself for the fact that you were shot and almost died."

"Okay. Danny, will you do me a favor?"

"Sure, what?"

"Go to Catherine and tell her I want to talk to her privately."

"I'm going to her."

So Danny made his way and the others stayed with Steve.

"And how are you, boss ?"

"Well, not so bad at all. Even if doctor Kahale sees that different. According to him I have to stay here for another 1-2 weeks."

"Well then, you better listen to him."

"I will. But now please tell me how exactly you were able to arrest Victor and what else is going on in the drug case."

So they started telling Steve everything.

Meanwhile Danny was at headquarters going to Catherine.


"Hey Danny. What's up ?"

"Oh, come on. You know exactly what's up. Steve asked why you weren't there. He wanted me to do him a favor. I'm supposed to tell you that he'd like to talk to you."

"Danny, listen. I would like to talk to him but I just can't. Just because I didn't tell him the truth, he almost died. I just feel guilty."

"I understand that. Honestly. I blamed you in the first place too. But I want to apologize to you for that. It was wrong. Because it's not your fault. You were really just trying to protect Steve. When I think about it, I probably would have acted the same as you. But Steve will understand. You know him."

"Yes, but that's not really the point. I have to be able to forgive myself first. Tell Steve I'll be there when I'm ready."

"Fine, I'll tell him."

By the time Danny got to the hospital, the others had already left. They just had to keep working. Danny couldn't stay very long either, but he would take as much time as Steve needed.

"Hey Steve."

"Danny. Did you speak with her ?"

"Yes, I have. She will come when she is ready. By the way, my assumption was correct. She blames herself for all of this and needs to be able to forgive herself first. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. I mean, I can kind of understand it. After everything that has happened, she probably needs a moment of rest and time for herself. But thanks for speaking to her."

"No problem. If there's anything else, just call. I also have to go to the Palace now so that we can finally close the case."

"Yes, drive. I'll get in touch."

So Steve stayed alone in the hospital and just tried to get some sleep. He didn't have anything better to do and if he should be honest, he was still pretty tired and exhausted.

At headquarters, the team worked on the case until the evening. They didn't really get any further. Because Victor's helpers, who had testified, didn't know which accomplice Victor meant when he said that there was another one out there. So they had no trace in that direction. But as we all know, hope dies last.

At around 9 p.m., as the team headed home, Catherine made a decision. She would drive to Steve now and face him.

At the hospital, she was shown Steve's room and went inside. Steve was still awake and now looked at the door in surprise.


"Yes. Listen, if you don't want to talk to me, I totally understand. Then I'll leave, but I wanted to let you know that I'm so incredibly sorry about everything. Especially that you got shot because I didn't tell you the truth. I'm really sorry."

"Cath, it's okay. The others have already told me what happened. Victor blackmailed you. You were just trying to protect me. I forgive you."

"Really ?"

"Of course. I also have to apologize to you for not trusting you. I should have noticed much earlier that something was wrong."

Catherine came up to Steve from the door and sat on the edge of his bed.

"Well, I didn't make it easy for you to trust me either. Glad that's over now."

"Exactly. All we have to do is find the last accomplice Victor mentioned. Well, and then we should finally have our peace."

"Let's hope so. Anyway, there is something else. I would like to give you something back."

Catherine reached into her pocket and pulled out a small chain. There was a ring on it.

"I thought it should finally be put back where it belongs."

So Catherine put the ring on Steve's finger and the two looked at each other happily.

"I'm sorry I took that off at the time. I just didn't know how else to explain the seriousness of the situation to you."

"I understand. It's okay. I think we both made mistakes but we should forgive each other."

"Good idea. I love you, you know."

"I love you too, Sailor."

This was followed by a kiss and a long hug, as if they could lose each other if they let go now.

Catherine spent the night with Steve in the hospital. Doctor Kahale had already had a second bed put in the room anyway, knowing that Catherine would stay here.

Within the next two weeks Steve was back home, the governor was halfway satisfied since the drug case had finally been cleared up and the team was trying to find Victor's last helper. However, there was no trace, evidence or connection to such a person. Because of this, they were already considering that Victor had lied. But they couldn't give up and completely rule out that it was the truth. Because if it wasn't a lie, that person posed a threat. Of course, these had to be eliminated. But this case didn't capture the team's full attention. Because there were other things out there that Five-0 had to take care of. It would never be boring...

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