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Doctor Kahale took the team to Steve's room. Catherine went to her boyfriend and, like last time, sat down next to him. When the doctor told them how close it had been, her heart almost stopped. Now she was sitting by his bed and could hardly hold back the tears. True, she was very relieved that Steve was alive. However, she was still very afraid of losing him. She couldn't and didn't want to imagine that.

Danny approached her. He felt just like Catherine, worried and afraid.

"Hey, Catherine, I have to go and pick up Grace from a friend's house. Then we go to HQ and try to find out who poisoned our kahuna. But I'll come back later. And please give us a call if anything happens."

Catherine just managed to get a soft, "okay" out. So Chin and Kono also said goodbye.

After a few minutes, Catherine had calmed down, sitting quietly next to Steve and looking at him.

It always made her heart ache to see him lying  there unconscious

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It always made her heart ache to see him lying there unconscious. She vowed not to let him out of her sight for the time being and to protect him.

At headquarters:

Kono, Chin and Danny stood together in the HQ and considered how to find the culprit. Danny had driven Grace to Rachel, finding the culprit had top priority now. Because if this person found out that Steve was still alive, he could try another attack. Kono looked up when Danny's cell phone rang. It was Max.

"Hey Max, what's up?"

"The lab ran Commander McGarrett's blood. He was given the poison around 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. yesterday."

"That's when Steve was in the hospital."

"Well spotted, Detective Williams."

"Thanks Max."

"Okay, we need the footage from the hospital's security cameras from that time period."

"Fine, give me a few minutes," Kono replied.

In fact, after 3 minutes, Kono had downloaded the recordings. Danny kept wondering how Kono could pull this off so quickly.

But other than Catherine leaving the room around 10am, then coming back, leaving and coming back with a nurse, no one had been in Steve's room. So Danny called Catherine to tell her that.

"Thank you Danny. I feel better now because I was afraid he was poisoned when I went to get a coffee."

"No, there was nobody in the room but you, the doctor and the nurse, as I said before. But don't worry, we'll find the culprit."

"I hope so, I..." Catherine stopped mid-sentence.

"Catherine? Catherine, what's up?! Catherine!"

It wasn't until Danny called her name louder that she came out of her thoughts.

"Danny, I think I know who poisoned Steve."


"The nurse!"

"What?! How's that? You were in the room with her the whole time."

"Yes, but I was briefly distracted once when I wrote a message to you. Oh man, Danny. It's my fault!" Catherine was on the verge of tears again.

"Hey Catherine! No it's not your fault! I know I've told you this a lot these past few days, but it's not your fault this time either. It could have happened to me, Kono, or Chin as well, and besides, unless your name is Steve, you usually trust the doctors and let them do their job. So don't blame yourself and it's not sure yet if it really was her. I'll call you when we have something."

"Thanks, Danny." Then he hung up.

"Kono, see if we have a good picture of that nurse."

"Yes, I'll do it." Immediately she passed the image to facial recognition, it didn't take long and there was a hit.

"Got it! Her name is Ava Richmond. She is 32 years old. A petty criminal from Los Angeles came to Oahu a month ago after serving her incarceration in L.A. She lives at 706 Coolidge Street. Oh, and she's not a nurse, she works as a temp at the Hilton."

"Good, so she's clearly our prime suspect. Let's pay her a visit."

At Ava Richmond's house:

Danny, Chin and Kono got out and went to the apartment door, which was open. Because of this, they drew their guns. Danny went first.

"Ava Richmond! Five 0!" But there was no answer. They split up. Kono found Ava in the living room.

"Hey guys, here!" Immediately Danny and Chin came to Kono.

"This is Ava." Kono informed them.

"I'll call Max."

After 30 minutes they were back at headquarters, Danny had updated Catherine on the status of the investigation and now they were waiting for the result of Ava Richmond's autopsy.

In the hospital:

Steve slowly regained consciousness. He felt someone hold his right hand and finally managed to open his eyes. At first the white, bright light was uncomfortable, but then he slowly got used to it. Steve saw the person holding his hand.

"Catherine?" he whispered softly. Catherine jumped and squeezed his hand.

"Hey Steve. How are you?"

"Well, I've been better." Catherine was so relieved that she hugged him and began to sob.

"I...I was so scared of losing you." Steve was surprised but put his arms around her and calmed her down.

"I'm so sorry Cath. I should have listened to you." Now she broke away from him and sat on the edge of his bed. Steve continued talking.

"I want to be honest with you. In the morning I was even worse, dizzy and exhausted. But I didn't say anything because I didn't want to worry you further and I didn't want to lie around all day. Also, I didn't expect it to get worse and end like this."

"Hey, this time it wasn't you. Do you remember the nurse I called when you were about to leave the hospital?"

"Yes, why?"

"She put something in your IV and poisoned you like that. That was the reason for your dizziness. The doctors said it was close and if we had come 20 minutes later it would have been too late." Tears welled up in her eyes again.

"Oh Cath. I don't want to imagine what you've been through. But I am so sorry. Come here." He held out his arm and Catherine leaned against him, her head on his chest. Steve just held her and didn't say anything else.

Meanwhile, Max finished the autopsy and shared his results with Five-0.

Meanwhile, Max finished the autopsy and shared his results with Five-0

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"So the cause of death was obviously the shot in the chest. However, she probably would have died anyway because of a heroin overdose."

"Okay thanks Max. Now we just have to find out if she took it voluntarily or not and who her killer is."

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