The truth

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Because Catherine looked so questioning, Steve told her why Danny was here.

"You know Catherine. I'm uncomfortable talking about it. But I still feel pretty exhausted and want to go home right away. But because someone else has to get the medication from the pharmacy, I thought maybe you could do that for me and Danny would drive me home."

Catherine was surprised that Steve just admitted how he really felt. But she agreed.

"Sure, I'll do it. Just rest, I hurry up."

She gave him a quick kiss and then walked to her car. Danny got into the Camaro with Steve.

And sure enough, Steve let Danny drive so his pretense was convincing. On the way Danny asked about it.

"So, are you going to tell me the real reason for this action or not?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when you wrote to me earlier, I thought I misread it. You never admit your exhaustion. So tell me."

"Nonsense! You just have bad people knowledge. I'll admit my exhaustion, you just never get it!"

"Ah, of course. And when do you do that exactly?"

"Well, for example when Catherine is there. Because I can't lie to her, especially when we're about to be married!"

"What did you just say?"

"For admitting my exhaustion when Catherine is around because I can't lie to her."

"No, after that."

"That Catherine and I will be married soon. Well, hopefully."

"How hopefully?"

"Well, I haven't asked her yet. But I can pick up the ring in a few days."

"Hey man! That's great. I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks, Danny."

"That's why I really should pick you up, right?"

"Yes, you could be right. I wanted to tell you that in person."

"Good decision. Have you planned the proposal yet?"

"No not really. I'm still looking for the right place."

"You'll find something."

10 minutes later at Steve's house:

"Shall I come in with you or would you rather stay alone until Catherine gets there?"

"Thanks for your offer Danny. But no, it's okay. You drive away. Grace is with you, if I understand correctly."

"Yes, that's right."

"Then drive off."

"Okay, see you."

So Danny drove to his house. Steve went inside. Finally he was home again. He put his bag down and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Then Steve sat down on the couch and closed his eyes. He was really quite tired and exhausted. He'd never admit it, but maybe a few more days in the hospital wouldn't have been so bad after all. Steve sat longer on the couch with his eyes closed but didn't fall asleep.

A little later he heard the front door and looked up. Catherine walked in with his meds in hand.

"Hey Steve. I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"No you have not. I didn't sleep, just rested a bit, as doctor Kahale said."

"Nice if you follow his instructions."

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