Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 I Cooked Today

    Zhiqiong Peak is the third-class peak among the thirty-six main peaks of Nanxun School, ranking at the end.

    Only the eldest brother Xiao Muge is in the late stage of Jindan, and can get the monthly payment of one thousand spirit stones from the sect. Other core disciples, such as Wei Zhao, who ranks third, can only get three to five hundred per month.

    It sounds rich, but in fact, they need to keep looking for refiners to refine their magic weapons, at least 5,000 or 10,000 spirit stones each time.

    They also use war to improve their cultivation, and injuries are commonplace. And the most common trauma pill, Rongxue Pill, costs a thousand spirit stones. If it involves meridian repair, etc., the price may be five times or ten times.

    Therefore, at the peak of foundation building like Wei Zhao, there is not much spiritual stone savings left at all, and even the bedding on his bed does not have an additional defensive formation.

    In the more than ten years at Qiongfeng, the only high-priced spiritual treasure he has saved is this red copper knife that he has been holding all year round. It is only by saving food and money that the martial art refiner has increased his strength twice, and now he barely ranks among the third rank The level of the spirit knife.

    "I said...don't worry about me."

    Wei Zhao looked away in embarrassment.

    He simply couldn't afford the expenditure of jade pill powder over the years.

    If it wasn't for lying on the bed and committing suicide, he would really be disgusted, and he wouldn't keep such a breath.

    But let him suck the blood of his juniors, he would rather die!

    "Throw the secret realm...if I can't find any herbs...I will die with the monster..."

    Wei Zhao roared, beating the bed with his pale fist.

    Explode the dantian, take away a monster, and exchange for the sacrifice spirit stone, leaving some benefits for the junior brother!

    "Senior brother three," Lu Yizhou hurriedly said, "Don't worry, there are no flower spirit stones—"

    Wei Zhao was stunned for a moment.

    Su Yu kept holding the porcelain bowl in his hand, feeling a little sore.

    Put it down immediately.

    Look at Lu Yizhou.

    "He doesn't want to try, then you come."

    The shame and anger in Wei Zhao's chest froze immediately.

    try what?

    "I don't know what to do if I eat this." Su Yu looked down at the porcelain bowl with a strange expression.

    She also really doesn't know.

    Originally, she was just at the door, and she planned to dip some with her fingertips, but she was stopped by Lu Yizhou.

    It is said that a bottle of jade pill powder costs 500 spirit stones. Although the amount in this porcelain bowl is small, it looks like only a quarter, but it also costs 100 spirit stones.

    If she dipped a little, wouldn't she have lost ten spirit stones?

    She can't taste it.

    Su Yu had no choice but to give up, and came back with Lu Yizhou to find Wei Zhao.

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